Thursday, March 28, 2013

Cirque Du Araignee - Act 4

Ladies and Gentlemen,
The show is just getting started,
Why are you leaving?
I know this isn’t very fair,
But you can’t quit now.
I know I haven’t been very fair.
Not telling you what you’re listening for.
By now I’m sure you know what you’re listening for.
Silence drips from the fangs of the monsters that surround you.
Terrors rage outside like a hurricane.
Fear creeps up like the spiders that spin your story.
You want something that that shows your better than the other tales?
Something that proves yours is worth telling.
But you won’t find it.
Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it.
Do you want sanity?
Do you need to hold onto reality?
Of course you do.
Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it.
Do you want happiness?
Do you need to leave?
Everyone does.
But not everyone’s journey will kill them.
It’s very obvious to tell who those are.
But if you think you are.
Then be surprised.
Because you will live.
And someone else,
Will die.


        When we met I was crying and my cheek was split open. I was vulnerable, and her heart was wide open. That's the thing with Karin, she was always caring. And at this time I wish I wasn't holding her in her last minutes. She was so tired, barely able to lift her head, even if I was holding it.
        "Please Karin," I begged.
        She didn't even have the energy to respond. She just was curled up in my lap, blood seeping through her shirt.
        "Please don't die."
        When she had received the wound she begged me to not take her to get help. She wanted to die. All I wanted was for her to be okay, and in the eyes of death, I just wanted to give her anything so she'd die happy. Wearily she raised a blood covered hand and touched the side of my face.
        "You'll make it without me," she whispered.
        "I can't Karin," I told her.
        "You're so... strong and... brave... you'll thrive," her words were breathy and far apart.
        "But I can't do that without you," I told her.
        "Yes you can," her hand fell from my cheek and took a slow dive back onto her lap.
        With that her body shook, releasing her demons. Her fingers slowly curled into a defeated fist.
        It wasn't always like this.

I was alone, walking, waiting for something or someone. Nothing was really working and my motivation was low. At this point I was supposed to be getting something for the tree house but I wasn’t interested in that. Slowly I wandered off course, forgetting my surroundings. Personally I just wanted to go have some adventure, a little fun, anything to pull me out of regular life.
The forest was plush around this time of year, none of the trees had lost their leaves, everything was bright and happy. But I still didn’t feel happy, normally, I’d suck up whatever was making me like this and deal but this time it just seems too difficult. My mind was caught up in thinking, which seems normal, at least around this time it was.
The forest around these parts were spacey and unsure, normally not a place to be hanging around. Which I quickly learned when I fell. Within a matter of seconds I was tumbling down a hill that I hadn’t seen while walking. I tried to grab onto something, anything, but no matter what I tried I kept rolling down this hill. Somewhere along the way a rock had scraped my cheek, blood ever so gently ran down from the wound.
In another instant everything stopped, I sat very dizzily on the ground, waiting to realize what just happened. 
Everything happens for a reason, and I was just about to be taken on a journey that would teach me that.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Dang Writing Prompts

There is this writing prompt I've had since the beginning of the year, and I have no clue how to write it. I know there's a story to it which is going to be just amazing but I can't think if it. I've asked a ton of people what they would do with it but no ones had anything that really inspired me.

"An old Japanese tale that says if two star crossed lovers commit dual suicide they get reincarnated as twins," how in the world do I write that? I know that it would start out with the lovers together and then some sort of time skip to years and years later when there's twins who're oddly close. Creating the right twins to write about is hard thought, they need to be the same but different.

This is a prompt that I'm determined to use before the end of this school year but I have no idea. So far I'm thinking about an Ouran High School Host Club fan fiction about Hikaru and Karou since they're the oddly close twins that come to mind. But I don't want to write just another story, I want something with material and an actual possibility of being the best story on this blog (although I'm a pretty big fan of "I Still Don't Know How to Feel About This".)

I've been waiting for the right thing to hit me, and I'm interested to see what it turns out to be. I'm pretty sure I have an idea started but I'll probably change it a million times before its done.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Doing a graphic novel of sorts here, I'm gonna scan it onto here once I'm done with it a page at a time.
So yeah!
Feel free to ask questions even if there's nothing to really ask or answer, but if you want to know more then go for it!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sorry that you have to make an account to view
Still haven't figured it out yet
Start at "Intro" if it doesn't go there first

Friday, March 1, 2013

Gold - Owl City, Lyric Analysis #3

        I know this girl, this beautiful, sweet, smart, kind girl. And I've known her for such a long time, but it was only recently that I realized there was a song that just described her perfectly. "Gold" describes her in general. Her beauty can be described by the word gold-- her smarts can be described by the word gold-- her smile is an exact definition of gold.
        She has dreams to chase and what she's got is, well, gold. I haven't said that to her, even though I should. 'Stand on up and take a bow, there's something there and it's showing, there's no need to look around, you're the best we got going'. She needs to be recognized for all of the greatness that she is.
         'You'll never be far, I'm keeping you near, inside of my heart, you're here' I'll always keep her in my heart, no matter what happens. 'So write it all and don't forget, you gotta tell us your story' she's important, everything she says and does is important too. 
         I need to write more but the bell's gonna ring and I have to go sew...