Friday, February 15, 2013


((I'm bored.....))

“He was a murder, he’s always been a murder,” she smirked.
            “Ever since I met him,” she picked the skin on her hands. “He’s always been... Crazed? No.. That’s not the right word..”
            “Well, once you find it, don’t hesitate,” he stood up.
            “I don’t know, he’s just-- that way. No one was surprised when we saw his face on the news. We all suspected it, I guess we all just expected it to happen sooner.” She laughed at her words.
            “What’s funny?” The detective asked.
            “As I say it I realize how silly it sounds..” She sighed, playing with her jewelry.
            “People are being killed, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t laugh.” He snapped.
            “It’s just silly, I knew him for so long yet I did nothing to change what he was expected to do,” she sat back.
            “Do you feel responsible?” He crossed his arms.
            “Not in the slightest, it’s just what if I had changed his path?” She questioned.
            “Maybe he wouldn’t have killed your daughter?” He added.
            “Maybe..” She swallowed.
            “If you saw him again, what would you do?” The detective asked, curious.
            “I don’t know, hug him maybe?” She guessed.
            “He killed your daughter, and you’d hug him? I’d strangle him,” the detective chuckled.
            “I just knew him when he was still, him. I’d try to get him—the old him back,” her eyes welled up with tears.
            “You knew him on more of a personal level than a friend level?”
            “We grew up together, inseparable best friends. He always promised that he’d make life easy for me, I never wanted it but it was nice.”
            “You knew him as an adult as well?”
            “Of course, he was my child’s godfather.”
            “Why would you want someone you suspected to be a murder to be your child’s godfather?” The detective asked, shocked.
            “He had been there when things were rough, I wanted him to help my daughter out too. The same promises..” She trailed off, her eyes growing.
            “He said he’d eliminate anything that stood in my way of happiness…” She looked up, worried.
            “Was your daughter particularly stressful?” He asked, catching on.
            “She was like the devil himself, always stubborn, always rude, never grateful…” Her jaw shook.
            “Tell us about the others, why did he kill them?” The detective sat back down, jotting notes.
            “I swear, I never knew any of the others. It’s a mystery to me just as it’s a mystery to you,” her breath became uneven.
            “Are you okay?” The detective asked worriedly.
            Slowly she rose her hand and pointed behind him. A fogged over window was at the very top of the wall. A shadow of a man stood there, something most people couldn’t manage since the window was so far up. A sick grin was plastered on his face, he gave a small wave. 


  1. Reminds me of Death Note o.O

    1. I figured but still. It's really good though! I really really like it!

  2. Slenderman! Sorry that's what the last lines reminded me of
