Tuesday, February 19, 2013


            This place was always quiet, always taunting. I don’t think the sky ever changed, ever since I’ve been in here it’s been the same dark grey. The metal bit into my skin, my little attempt had set him off. I was going to be chained to the bed post until he wanted me to be his little slave. A scream echoed through the room, I’m pretty sure a hallway is outside of this room. Pleas for help bounced along the walls.
            I tried my best to tune them out, hoping—praying—needing. Needing this to be over. My heart raced as I hear something hit the door, his horrible laughter echoed through the walls—blood seeped through the crack under the door. Quietly the door swung open, letting the blood rush in.
            “If you’re not careful, this could be you,” he held up a bloody girl.
            The smell of dead pushed its way through the stale air. Most of the blood came from her head, her chest heaving unnaturally—gasping—begging for air.
            “Do you understand?” He asked.
            Quickly I nodded, not wanting to die. With a smirk he dropped the girl to the ground and swaggered toward me. He pulled my chin up, a sick look of hunger in his eyes.
            “Here’s a warning,” he said as he streaked a little blood across my cheek. “Remember that you wanted to be taken away. Remember how unfair it felt? Doesn't this feel better?” He gripped my throat. “ Doesn't it?”
            Painfully I nodded—he still didn’t let go.
            “Remember how they treated you?” His grip got tighter. “Isn’t this so much better?”
            Slowly I rose my unchained hand and slapped him as hard as I could. In an instant he was off me and angry. For a moment I thought I had stunned him, he wasn’t moving so I had to have done something. Grudgingly he rose, his eyes ready to bite. Immediately he took my unchained hand and stabbed it to the wall. A searing pain shot through my arm.
            “Bloody--!” I started.
            He covered my mouth with his blood covered hand-- anger pulsing through his veins-- fear pulsing through mine.
            “You best watch out, boy.” He said calmly, yet angrily. “I saved you from your home that you took as a Hell. You wanted this. Anything to get rid of them. Anything to get away from them. Anything. Remember?”
            My body shook, scared. “What are you?” I asked.
            “Your salvation,” he grinned, hitting the knife, pushing it further into my hand.

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