Friday, February 1, 2013


How do you guys feel about this?

Normally it’s quiet in the mornings. And of course, today was the exception where something new and different happened. Well, at least, that’s the look she told me to take on things. She being the girl who filled the hallway with noise at 7:00 in the morning. She being the girl who changed everyone’s lives. She being the girl who’s going to die any day now.
7:00:31 to be exact, I was standing by my locker, attempting to wake up when she came. There weren’t many people in the halls, mostly because we could be asleep right now but we were the lucky ones who had to go to school early because of some reason that made us too incompetent to go later in the day. Her reason? She was new.
She stood out against the lockers, somehow this was possible. Anything’s possible if you’re her. Her heels clicked against the linoleum floor, sending a steady beat through the hall. She looked stiff, at least at that moment she looked stiff. Her hair framed her face perfectly, and for some reason, she was wearing sunglasses. She had her hands stuffed in her pockets, followed by a fearless strut.
I know I wasn’t the only one who thought that she was the kind of girl who gets everyone to stand when she walks in a room. Even that first fated day I saw her I thought I should’ve bowed or something. Her red hair matched her red lipstick, which made her skin look like snow. She was one of those girls who had a rich father and a stay at home mother. One of those girls who thought she was too good for the world.