Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Dies Irae

Name: Mercy

 There are a lot of things you could know about me. Most of those things are irrelevant, and yet your simple mind really can’t differentiate in between what to believe and what not to believe. So I guess I’ll just have to do it for you. 
My name is Mercy, yet it is ironic because mercy is the last thing I’ll give. I was given as a baby to a circus in Russia, more so picked up by a circus in Russia. So yes, I have an accent; no,  I am not “normal”. But this is something you will get used to. Now though, fourteen years later some person adopted me and took me to America.
Oh what a joy.

Supposedly I’m in 9th grade. Whatever that means. Now this person who adopted me should really know that I have zero effort for school.
“Just great,” I walked up to the school that had been picked out for me.
By force.
“Let’s see how this goes,” My accent decided to stand out across the frozen air.
I had no idea what to expect. This place was huge, but somehow I knew where everything was. Even if it was my first time here. My first time in a school to be exact.
“Hi!” A girl came up to me.
“Hello,” My accent freaked her out.
“I’m sorry, wrong person,” She quickly diverted away, even though I knew she had been meaning to talk to me.
“Russian freak much?” Some boys laughed, ramming me against lockers, making sure to crush me somewhat.
Although I could’ve handled the ramming, the comment wasn’t appreciated. I loved being Russian. And yes, I looked different. But what’s wrong with that?
“Oh great, another troublemaker..” Three teachers walked by, loudly whispering this comment.
I instantly knew it was about me.
I can tell these things.
“Ew, goth much?” Some girl commented, looking me over.
“Prissy much?” I mimicked.
“Meanie!” She yelled like a five year old.
“What’s that, Freak?” Some kid came up behind me, poking at the scar I hid with my hair.
“I have a name.” I put my hand on the back of my neck, hiding the ‘F’ that had been branded onto me.
“Is it Freak?” A couple other people ganged up around me.
“It’s Mercy..” I mumbled, feeling like an animal in a zoo. Which I guess I should be used to.
They looked at each other, unsure of what I said.
“That’s a weird name.” A girl shrugged. “Freak fits you better.”
“Stop bullying them,” A teacher pulled me away from the group.
“But I wasn’t--” I protested.
“She was so bullying us,” A couple of them said.
“What’s your name?” The teacher snapped.
“It’s Tia,” The same girl informed her.
“That’s not my--” I tried to get through.
“Enough of this.” The teacher grunted.
Now I realized this teacher was one of the three who thought I was a troublemaker.
“If I hear you bullied anyone else, you’re going to the principle.” She looked at me seriously.
“Okay..” I didn’t protest anymore.
She let me go and walked away.
“Haha, Freak.” One of the taller boys grabbed me by the shoulders and threw me at the lockers.
This time I hit my head. As I held my hand to where I hit my head I sunk to the floor.
“Aw, someone give up on the hazing already?” A few of them taunted.
I tried to breathe deeply. For the entire summer I had been in anger management for this reason.
“She’s not moving,” One of them whispered.
“Some one's feelings are hurt,” One of them laughed sickly, kicking me.
Quickly I realized that I had started crying, my side stinging from where they had kicked me.
“What’s that on the ground?” Another one asked, fright in his voice.
Something else about me, no, I am not normal. One reason is that when I cry, I cry blood. So yes, a red, metallic liquid that tasted like rust ran down my cheeks.
“Is that blood?” The kid who had kicked me asked.
A heavy silence spread for a few seconds. Now I couldn’t contain it though; no one else was in the hallway but us. Slowly and calmly I rose, my head down.
“What’s..” One of them asked.
In one quick move I held him by his neck, everyone else froze. Only a little I rose my head, just enough so they all could see my eyes. With my free hand I snapped, their eyes turned glazed, frozen.
“Checkmate.” I smirked as I bit down into the first one’s neck.
And reason number two I’m not normal? I’m a vampire.

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