Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Maple Valley, Washington
The static of a record was the only thing that could be heard. A boy was trembling, holding onto the wall in the pitch black room. Part of him wanted to move forward, to see what was in front of him. But the other part of him knew better. His breathing was heavy, his heart was pounding. How he had gotten here was a mystery. Slowly his hand let go of the wall, shakily he felt the gash on his stomach. It had been at least an hour since he had received that wound, yet it was still spilling blood.
For a moment he thought it was just his head, that he had gotten used to the record’s static. Yet he knew that that’s not what happened. Someone had stopped the record. Someone was in there with him. Carefully he sank to the floor, shaking even more. In an instant the room became frigid. The metallic smell of his blood made him dizzy. Suddenly a strobe light started flashing.
While the light was on he could see a maze, at least three feet tall. A person was standing at the other end of the maze. When it flashed again they had moved. Every time the light flashed they would move. He started panicking as he quickly got up. A crippling pain shot through his stomach as he stumbled through the maze, hitting dead ends and running into walls. His heart was racing as he tripped over his feet.
Something had been put on the floor, whatever it was was making it even more difficult to walk and whatever it was had gotten into his wound. He laid down on his side, unable to get up. His throat was dry as he gasped for air. What’s going on? Nothing was making sense. The lights flashed again and for a moment he thought he was imagining, but in this place there was no imagining. A black figure stood over him, and through all the darkness he could see a sick smirk.
The boy bolts up right, no longer in this dark fantasy land he had dreamed. He finds himself in his cell, arms tied up in a straight jacket. Rain poured outside of his window but he didn’t care. Today, the 13 of April, is this young man’s birthday. He has received presents from his father and best friends. Yet he won’t be given them. All he really wants is his nightmares to stop.
He looks at the window, his reflection partially looking back at him. He sees black hair and blue eyes, but he doesn’t know how to feel about it anymore.
What will the name of this young man be?

Rainbow Falls, North Carolina
A girl looks out her window, rain poured outside. She could hear her mom fighting herself downstairs. Part of her wondered if her friend had received the gift she sent him, the other part of her wondered how long her black eye would last. Her mother had a drinking problem, something she’d never admit though. And as long as she could remember her mother had been like this. She had never met her father so she had no idea if he had done anything.
Glass shattered and she knew her mother was getting upset. For a moment she thought about leaving. Not for long, only a few hours to go visit her friend. It can’t be fun to have a birthday while in a mental hospital. But then she thought about leaving for a longer time, so long that she wouldn’t come back. She couldn’t do that to her mother though, no matter what. Even if this is how her entire life has been, she couldn’t be that heartless, her mother needs her.
The girl put her hand on the cold glass of her bedroom window, wondering about her other friends. What’s the weather like in Houston? She thought, debating on pestering one of her friends that lived in Texas. Lightning cracked in the sky, the rain could be heard hitting the ground even if she was on the second floor. She missed her friends as she wrapped her arms around herself like they were right there hugging her.
But at this time she couldn’t see them. Not in the state of disaster she was in now. Knitting needles and yarn were strewn across her floor. Her latest project, a bunny had been recently shipped to her friend. It was his birthday after all. But she knew they wouldn’t give it to him. The bunny would only remind him of Con-Air and his past. Something he had forgotten. But she wanted him to remember his past. She wanted him to remember her.
It was a selfish wish and she knew it. But ever since he had been admitted he had forgotten his love for Nic Cage and John Cusack. Nothing was ever going to be quite the same. She personally felt horrible for his dad, someone he had started to feel a great level of resentment. In the back of her mind she replayed the memory of him looking at his dad, stating ‘Why’re you here?’.
But she stopped herself, remembering it wouldn’t do anything. She thought about starting another project, soon enough she’d need to ship a present to one of her friends that lived on an island. This made it almost impossible to keep up with what she liked. Yet that’s what happens when you befriend people online. That’s what happens when you befriend people who can’t see your scars. Her computer beeped as someone pestered her, but she didn’t care.
From where she was she could see that it was just one of those kids who liked to bother her. She ignored it, not wanting to talk to them. The mirror across from her reflected how she felt; cold, lonely, forgotten. She seemed to care more about her friends than they did about her, but she knew that wasn’t true. No matter how ‘Cool’ they felt, it was obvious they were really appreciative of how open she was willing to be. They always implied it.
What will the name of this young lady be?

Houston, Texas
A boy sits on the roof of his apartment building. A red sky looked down at him as he plays with an unopened bottle of apple juice. He could hear his bro’s sick beats from up there, he sighed because all in all he just wanted to get away from his bro. Without thinking he pulls his aviator shades off and looks at his reflection. His pale complexion, bleached hair and red eyes stared at him. He felt disgusted with himself.
For some reason being albino make him sick to his stomach. He shook his head and slipped the glasses back on, hiding his main source of disappointment. A crow screeched at him and flew away, deciding he wasn’t that entertaining after all.
“Shut up.” He sighed, not really wanting to fight.
He missed his best friends. Just recently he had gotten the bunny from Con Air and had shipped it to one of his best friends that was in a mental hospital or something. Thinking about it made him sad, he pulled his knees up to his chest, dropping the throwing stars he had been carrying. He had never known his parents, he had been raised by his bro. But that didn’t mean he didn’t want to meet them.
In an instant he heard his bro behind him, quickly he jumped up and absconded to his room. Normally the jump from a roof to a window three stories down would scare someone. But not him. He was used to it by now. His bro had wanted to strife, mostly because bro thought that he wouldn’t see it coming. Yet bro had been doing that for years now so he had gotten used to it.
His computer buzzed with a pester, he rushed over only to find it was one of those pesky idiots who tried to be cool like him. It was even the worst one who thought he was so much better. But they both knew each other’s true ranks. Being the ‘Cool kid’ wasn’t always as easy as it seemed. No matter how many sick beats or smuppets there were it was still a hard job to fill.
He sat on his bed and sighed. He never thought he’d miss his friends so much. Something peeked out from under his bed, the familiar package brought back memories. Without hesitation he ran and threw it out the window. There.
He’d never have to see it again.
But it would still be burned in his memory, forever and ever. No matter what it would be there. That wasn’t something he could just throw out the window.
What will the name of this young man be?

Pacific Island
A dog whimpers by a girl’s bed as she plays with her stuffed octopi. The dog was her only companion on this island, well she did have her grandfather’s stuffed corpse. No matter how much she talked to him he would never respond, it was hard. She debated talking with CG, one of the kids who liked to bother her friends. But he’d probably just call her names and be rude. Whatever...
Her dog jumped onto her bed, Grandpa had given her her dog so she wouldn’t get lonely. So she’d have someone to protect her. She always felt alone though. A thought crossed her mind; Did her friend receive his birthday gift? She had to ship it to him a long time ago since she was so far away from him. And he wasn’t aloud to use the computer so she couldn’t pester him.
She missed talking to him. His lame jokes and his love of Con Air had always brought a smile to her face, yet now that wasn’t an option. She looked at her robot, waiting for her to fall asleep. At random times she’d fall asleep, it was a bad habit. But ever since he had been admitted to the hospital she spent most of her time fighting insomnia. Her dog curled up next to her, beckoning her to try to sleep again.
No matter how inviting it seemed it was useless. Her childish room decor made her angry and for the thousandth time she debated on throwing it out the window so it could meet its fatal destiny. But that would be useless too. Her normal peppy attitude had been missing for a while now. She wondered how ‘Ironic’ her cool kid’s life was. Just for a second she didn’t feel as lonely.
But that loneliness was a reoccurring thing, it would never go away. If she ever met her friends she’d want them to know how important they were to her. But the chance of meeting them was just as slim as getting away from the island. She looked out her window, the sky was a normal blue. And usually that would make her want to go catch frogs, but she wasn’t in the mood.
For a moment she debated on practicing shooting, it had been a while. And it wasn’t like her to neglect her guns for such a long time.
What will the name of this young lady be?

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