Friday, December 14, 2012


                For this assignment I went with Insanity instead of a story I haven’t published yet. One of the themes here would probably be the therapy of friendship since they all have this deep care for each other, and they keep thinking about each other. All of the kids have this wish to talk to John, but since he isn’t able to talk to them they look to one another to be their support. Jade and Rose find comfort in talking to Dave because he’s always so blunt and truthful, they know that he isn’t going to lie to them. Rose is always willing to listen to Jade and Dave’s problems, but Jade doesn’t always trust her and Dave can’t admit that he needs help. Jade is just there, she relies on others but can’t really do much for them. She does have the ability to make them smile though.
The theme that sticks out to me the most would have to be suffering, they’re all going through something different. John has to go through the mental hospital, Rose has to survive her mother’s addiction, Dave has to live with all of this self loathing, and Jade has to be all alone. Thinking about each other seems to keep them alive. Which goes back to needing each other. Just the thought of the others being there to help them is enough to keep them going. And when one of them isn’t there (John), they can’t stop thinking about their missing comrade. It’s like a puzzle that they all fit into, and when one piece is missing it doesn’t work.
 My goal here was to make this like the original base for the story, Homestuck. I feel like I’ve made it similar in the way that Dave has that self loathing, Rose’s mom does have a drinking problem, Jade is all alone, and John goes through so much that he could end up in a mental hospital. I wanted to keep their locations the same because it gives them the feeling of how apart they all are, but that no matter what they still care about each other. Even if they are miles apart there seems to be this strong bond that none of them will ever lose. It’s like they’d drop everything and leave just for each other. Just because they’re internet friends doesn’t mean that they don’t care about each other. 

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