Friday, December 14, 2012

Walter James Simpson.

        Walter James Simpson is a horrible person.
I knew Walter James Simpson for seven years. During that time he went from a person that I liked to a person I despised. This story isn't easy, but I'll try my best to tell it how it happened.
How it exactly happened.
        Now let's go back seven years, back to 4th grade. Back to the land of puppy love, 'drama', and going to a new school. This is my first year at Herring Elementary School. If you're going to understand the whole story, I should probably tell you my name. Well, that's unimportant actually. So is the fact that this was my first day at a public school.
        This school seemed amazing. Little did I know that it would ruin me. But as I walked into this school I didn't expect to make friends, I didn't expect to like my teacher. I expected to go in there happy and leave crying. And I had been right, I went in happy and as the day progressed it became worse. But by the time it was lunch, I had made a few friends.
Friends that I thought would stick around.
Friends who wouldn't go behind your back.
Friends who wouldn't ruin your life.
        Yet I'm not lucky like that. And good things don't happen. Especially to me. I had been shy and quiet, and this obviously made me friends who were going to walk all over me and take me for granted. But I didn't really care. All I wanted was some friends. No matter how temporary and toxic they were. For now I'll skip them, right now the only important person to remember-- The only important name to remember is Walter James Simpson.
        As I walked out of the lunchroom, going outside to the warm fall air there was a person. Someone. He was looking at me intently. Like he knew me. But I ignored it, focusing on my phony friends of the moment. Trying to enjoy adolescence and all it's glory.
"Hey, are you Bea Conners?" This boy asked me as we walked into the school again.
"Um... Yes?" I said cautiously. A stranger who knew my name.
"I'm Walter Simpson. Our dads know each other!" He had a kid grin.
"Oh, um, really?" Simpson? The only Simpson family I knew was on T.V., and they weren't real.
"Yeah!" He linked arms with me--
        This is a key moment to remember. Something I will never forget. This was the moment that Walter had decided we were best friends.
Even if I didn't want him as a best friend.
"We're going to be best friends for like, ever." He exaggerated.
"Okay?" I shrugged, unsure of how to feel about this.
        Now this is how it all started. For years it would be like this. Being forced to be his friend. Never getting to say what I wanted to. Never getting to be myself. Yet this is all still unimportant. What you need to remember is Walter James Simpson. And so far I hope that's all you remembered. And maybe the fact that he's pushy. That's kinda important.
        Let's jump about, hm, three years. Seventh Grade. Since 4th grade these are the landmark things that happened: Walter James Simpson and I met Harry Midford, Owen Trey, Selena Briggs, and Victoria Steinhaus. Yes there were other people, but these four are important. After sixth grade, our last year in elementary school, Owen left to go with her father. The rest of us stayed.
        And now, Walter James Simpson and I have started going through the harsh deep pits of what you could call depression.
I call it an attempt for attention.
Although it's unpleasant to talk about now, Walter James Simpson and I formed bad habits. Just think and link, depression and bad habits. Whichever you chose, go with it.
        I stopped Walter the first few times he attempted to do these things to himself, it was always a reoccurring thing and every time I heard about it I'd say that I'd tell his mom and dad.
Truthfully that's what I should've done, but I didn't. When Walter James Simpson heard about me and this habit, he tried once.There's the next thing to remember.After I tried and tried and tried to make him stop, he tried to stop me once.
Such a great friend, Walter.
I really appreciate it.
        For Walter everything was about him. He was the main character of everyone else's life. Like that moment when you're watch a television show and they switch to what's happening in another character's life and all you can do is go: "No! I wanted to see what happens!". But then when those characters meet up you missed what happened and you'll never see what went down.
So now the three things to remember: 1) Walter James Simpson. 2) He's pushy. And 3) He stopped me once from this habit after I endlessly tried to stop him.
          Now remember that, because things get worse. 7th graders are harsh. Walter and I learned this the hard way. Constantly we were bullied, so finally we dragged our parents into it.
All Hell broke loose.
          Hell as in the place, somewhere I felt that I was already living. But that's not important-- currently.
So now our parents are in on this bullying. We now have to deal with even more torment because we're trying to eliminate it.God I hate people. But anyway, that was 7th grade. Pure torture.
           So let's move to 8th grade, since 7th grade was unpleasant and I don't really want to get in depth about it. But before that, the summer in between 7th and 8th grade was horrible. Things got worse.
And my habits became deadly.To this day I still run my hand over the scars and I still feel the pain that I experienced.
I just don't show it.
            So 8th grade. Where our story really should come to an end. 8th grade was weird because Harry and I accepted that we were different in the way that we liked our own gender. Walter was stuck in the middle, he wasn't really sure where to go.So we all waited. Everything at this point was still all about Walter.
If I ever asked for help he had to bring it around to himself. When I got depressed he yelled at me and we really stopped being friends.
Things were tough.
             But somehow he conned me back into being friends with him.And still to this day it's the same old thing. But for one week we fought like we were going to die. And I must say that I held up very well during that fight. As Walter broke down at school I stood there with my head held high and a smile on my face.
This might seem sick
Or mean
Or heartless
              But the moment I got home I would burst into tears. Walter had never really let me be friends with anyone outside of our group, and they were all scared that Walter would spread rumors of them if they weren't friends with him.That's a real friend? No. But I held strong at school so it would look like I had no problems whatsoever. And not crying at school was easy.At home it was harder.But we made it through. And we're friends. But I had--
A thick layer of loathing still holding silently onto my shoulders.
             So now we're here. After this fight. All of this tension is still here. But we never talk about it. We never say anything. We're just going to wait for another fight to start.
I apologize now to all of those who will be affected.
And to all of my friends.
You're great, and I'm so sorry you've had to go through that.
And if you ever need to talk to me feel free.
So now we're here.
I still know Walter and all of our other friends.
And now I think you can tell why Walter was such a horrible person. If you still need more reasons then just ask. But he's just so selfish and just doesn't care about anyone but himself.
And now you know the story of Walter James Simpson.

1 comment:

  1. I must apologize, I saw the comment on here *I think I knew who it was* but do please remember, this is my school blog. Mrs. Reagles and my father read this along with many others) so please, no comments involving swears
