Thursday, September 27, 2012


Author's Note: This is my re-telling of Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life by Brian Lee O'Malley.

Scott pilgrim has the perfect life. He's 23 years old, has a girlfriend and a rockband. But when a mysterious girl shows up in his dreams, he's determined to find her. Little does he know that he'll find her and her seven evil ex's.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pushing Daisies Pt. 6

          Apparently 'Reaper' is higher on the rank of this jacked up world of mine.Which is part of the reason I get to end everyone else's lives. Since I'm higher I get more control over what happens to them.
Which didn't feel right.
At a whim I could kill someone without a reason.
It seemed wrong.
"This is too weird' I said to myself, flipping around my pen that was actually a dagger
           How was this a weapon? I knew there were things you could do with a pen, but with so many other settings, why would I use it? Being a Reaper probably doesn't involve anything that needs to be written down, at least I don't think anything about being a Reaper needs to be written down.
           Either way, I still don't know why it's a weapon. Maybe it does something else? I thought, turning it over in my hands. Upon closer inspection, this pen had a few buttons itself. The buttons were red, silver, black and one was a skull. Part of me was scared to click a button, but I had to figure out what each one did. Reluctantly I pressed the red button and started writing my name in cursive.
           As I wrote I felt something bothering my hand. I looked over at it, surprisingly enough the red button made it so you ended up cutting the word into your hand. Didn't that happen in Harry Potter? I thought, trying to remember which book that was.
"Of course!" I remembered it, book five
            Part of me found it funny, the other part found it sick. Now I really didn't want to find out what the other buttons were. Either way, I had to figure them out. Slowly I clicked the skull shaped button. Maybe the buttons had to do with things I had seen or read. So maybe the skull button was like Death Note. I flicked the T.V. on, a criminal report was on the screen.
            I wrote down the name of the person and waited. Forty five seconds later a news reporter gave the news about the criminal's death. So that is how it worked... I clicked the black pen and started writing. At first it was just red ink, but after a few minutes I could tell it wasn't ink. As it dried it became gummy and smelled like metal.
It was blood.
            Apparently being a reaper makes you smell like blood. I clicked the silver button, regular black ink came out. Just a disguise setting. Well now I know why there's a pen setting...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom

Sorry I haven't updated
Editing 'Virus' cause I wasn't happy with how it was.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


          What? Where… Where am I? A metal box? Why?
Questions flooded my mind, I was surrounded by three walls of metal and one wall of glass. A boy was on the other side of the glass.
“Hi” He said “Where are we?”
“I don’t know” I shook my head
“I’m Josh” If there wouldn’t have been glass he would’ve held out his hand
“I’m Phoebe” But that wasn’t an option
“Why does it say I have a power?” He pointed at a silver dog tag around his neck
“I don’t know, it says I have one too” I looked at mine
This was weird and it made no sense. At least, I don’t think it made sense.
“Well Phoebe, I’ll get us out of here. I promise” He smiled
“Okay” I smiled
“What’d you think they’re gonna do to us?” He asked me
“I don’t know, maybe test on us? I mean, we have powers, so they’re gonna try something, right?” I guessed
“Probably” He shrugged
“Well, if you’re gonna be here then I don’t care if they test on me” I smiled
        I could hear some people outside of my box. 
“This one’s name is Phoebe, 7 years old, number 203” A high voice said “On the other side is Josh, 8 years old, number 204”
“Who’s that?” I asked
“Probably someone who’s gonna test on us” He strugged
“That’s a good point” I said
“We’ll have to wait and see” He shrugged

10 years later

“I wish I broke mirrors instead of promises, ‘cause all I see is a shattered conscience staring right back at me” – Adam Young (Owl City)

          I looked at him. One sheet of glass kept us apart. Locked up in these metal containers, holding us forever. See, none of us were normal. We all had different powers. His power was stopping blood circulation and just stopping your heart. Mine was mental torture, no matter what I could hurt someone. His green eyes looked at me, sad, heavy. Our hands on the same spot of the glass, just different sides.
         Our whole lives had been in these boxes, the other person was the only one we’d ever seen.
“How’re you doing?” He asked me
“Cold” I whispered, pulling my blanket up around me
“I’m so sorry” He said
“You haven’t done anything wrong, Josh” I shook my head, curling up
“I haven’t done anything, Phoebe” He pointed out
“But you’ve stayed here with me, that’s all I need” I told him
“I swear I’m going to get us out of here” His fingers curled off the glass
          I pulled myself into a ball, trying to retain heat. He seemed depressed, like he couldn’t do it. But I knew he could. His eyes closed, he was tired. Our days were mentally tough.

“Even though I’ll never know what’s up ahead, I’m never letting go.” – Adam Young (Owl City)

          Josh fell asleep, but tonight I couldn’t fall asleep. My mind was racing, questions kept presenting themselves. Did I really have these powers? I’ve never used them, so how do I know if I have them? Why have I only ever seen Josh? Not that I have a problem with him, he’s my best friend. I wouldn’t trade him for anything. Not even freedom.
          But why? Why can’t I see other people? Even if they’re going to torture me, why can’t I see them? Not like thinking about it will do anything. I sighed and rolled over, I was tired but restless. All I wanted to do was hit someone or something. Have something make sense. But no chance of that.
          These metal boxes we were in were about three feet tall and five feet wide. Freezing all the time. A rock hard mattress fitted perfectly in the box. A huge fluffy blanket that matched a thin pillow were the only other things we had. My heart hurt, maybe it was just the heaviness of this box. Maybe it was Josh feeling so depressed. Whatever it was, it hurt.
           Images of my little sister flashed across my mind. Somehow I remembered her,  bright red hair, blank skin, turquoise eyes.

“Now those lonely lullabies just dampen my tired eyes, because I can’t forget you” – Adam Young (Owl City)

           She was my one memory from growing up. But I couldn’t really remember anything else about her, or what happened to her. But I missed her. Somehow, with that little girl in my mind, I fell asleep.

“There’s just too much that time cannot erase” – Evanescence

           I woke up to what seemed like it should be hours later. My eyes opened slowly to a grinning Josh.
“What are you so happy about?” I laughed tiredly, rubbing my eyes
“Reach over” He smiled
“What?” I reached my hand out toward the glass
          My hand enclosed around a pen and a blank notebook.
“Josh!” I said, surprised “How?!"
“It’s a secret” He smirked
“This is amazing!” I hugged it
“I’m glad you like it” He laughed, smiling
           I smiled, happy. This was insane, how did he get it? There wasn’t a way out of these boxes. At least I don’t think there is… Well, however he got it was just amazing. I flipped it over and drew him, personally I thought it looked terrible, but I wanted to show him.
“Look” I smiled and showed him the drawing
“Well I look handsome” He laughed
“You are handsome!” I laughed, knowing it was true
“Well, thank you” He smiled
           We sat there for a while, silence, smiling. But the air was heavy, like something was above us.
“Tell me, do you ever wish we’d fall in love?” He asked me
           Even though we had known each other for years, the thought that he would like me had never occurred in my mind. 
“All the time” I said
           He nodded, thinking it through.
Not like we’d ever be able to fall in love. Glass separated us, nothing we could do.

“Frozen inside, without your touch, without your love, darling. Only you are the life among the dead” – Evanescence

           That whole day we had written short stories and drew. We had fun, something we rarely had. Neither of us mentioned his question—or my answer. Finally it was nighttime again, we were both looking at the ceiling, silently pondering what to do.
“Why?” I just asked
“Why what?” He looked at me
“Why do we have to be separated by glass?” I looked at the ceiling
“I don’t know, Phoebe” He shook his head
“I hate it!” I kicked the glass, something we had tried so many times 
“Phoebe, we both know that won’t do anything” He tried to calm me
“I don’t care!” I cried, kicking the glass
“Phoebe, stop.” He sat up and looked at me
           But I couldn’t stop. Not now. Not after so many years of this one room torture. I yanked off the dog tag that had my information on it, I stabbed the glass with it.
Surprisingly, it cracked. Only a little bit, but it cracked.
“Oh my god…” Josh said, pulling off his dog tag
“We can break it” I kept stabbing the glass with mine
“I think so” He did the same thing, cracking the glass even more
            Finally there were so many cracks that I just punched it. Glass shattered, it fell in between our mattresses. We looked at each other, shocked. After at least three minutes of complete shock, I mauled him, hugging him as tight as I could. It was nice, he was warm. We were both tired and ended up falling asleep in this embrace.

“I sang my princess fast asleep, ‘cause she was my dream come true. Anne-Marie, believe me, I’ll never forget you. I’ll dissolve when the rain pours in, when the nightmares take me. I will scream with the howling wind, ‘cause it’s a bitter world and I’d rather dream” – Adam Young (Owl City)

            After a long night we woke up. Back in our beds, alone. The glass, replaced.
“No…” We both said
             It had happened, we had broken it. We knew that.
“NO!” Josh yelled, pounding on the glass
             I found my dog tag, which was Josh’s. Josh had mine.
A five inch door opened in Josh’s box.
“What the?” He looked at it
             A hand came in and grabbed his arm. 
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” I cried, not wanting anything to happen to him
             This hand was holding an IV.
“Don’t do that to him, do that to me” I cried, not wanting him to die

Humans cannot reject temptation. When they are
plunged into the depths of despair, likened to hell, they will hold on to
anything that may help them escape from the situation they are in, even if it’s
merely a spider’s thread, no matter what sort of humans they are.” - Ciel Phantomhive

“No.” He wouldn’t let anything happen to me

“We as humans have the power to do such, but whether we grab on to the thread or not is our choice to make.” – Ciel Phantomhive

              With that the hand put the IV into Josh. Almost instantly after that a five inch door opened on my side and stuck an IV in me.
“What are they doing, Josh?” I asked him, hoping he would know
“I have no clue” Slowly I saw tears run down his cheeks
              A thick blue gel started oozing its way through the tubes that were connected to our veins.
“What do we do?!” I asked, crying
“I have no clue” He repeated, crying

“Peer over the edge, can you see me? Rivulets flow from your eyes. Paint runs from your mouth like a waterfall as your lungs crystallize” – Adam Young (Owl City)

              For hours we had these IVs in us. They made us dizzy which caused us to lay down. Soon enough Josh got insanely tired.
“Kill me…” He whispered, it was obvious he was in immense pain
“I can’t…” I cried, I was in pain too, but mostly from watching Josh feel like this
“Please, Phoebe. You need to stop this.” His chest was heaving in unusual patterns,  losing control over what he had left
“I can’t live here without you” I told him
“You’ll find a way out here without me dragging you down..” He blinked slowly
“No” I ripped the IV out, something that hadn’t occurred to me until that moment
             I took his dog tag and slammed the glass down again. He didn’t even notice, I ripped his IV out and pulled him into a hug, more like cradling him. But it was obviously comforting to him, since he just curled up in my arms. I loved him and I couldn’t even realize it. 
“Don’t let me die here…” He whispered, I knew exactly what he meant 
“You’re not going to die in my arms, or this god awful place. We’re going to get out of here and you’re going to die many, many years from now” I said, pulling him closer
“Don’t leave me” He shook his head
“Never” I whispered to him

“It’s darkest just before the dawn” – Adam Young (Owl City)

              We were like that for hours, finally it somehow left his system and he was back to normal.
“I’m so sorry” He hugged me, feeling terrible for what had happened
             But I didn’t respond, these people didn’t know about the glass, but they knew about the IVs. I had given them both of my arms, they had thought it was both of us but it was just me. Now I had two tubes of this blue gel going through me.
I felt sick.
             He saw this and grabbed my arms, yanking out the IVs. Little did he know that I had had those in for hours on end. Finally it had started effecting me.

“The more that I am with you, the more that I am all alone” – Evanescence

“I’m so sorry…” He cried into me, holding me 
           Slowly this fluid had killed me. But I was still conscience. Which was painful. Watching Josh cry over my deceased body. But mentally still processing it. Somehow I reached up and touched his face, gently, delicately. My hand fell back into my lap with a soft thud that I never heard.

“Death is just life’s next big adventure” – J.K. Rowling

Be The Dead

         What happened? Why? How come they died, but I'm still alive? These questions flew around in my mind as I waited for someone, something. I was hitchhiking-- not like I had any other choice. This summer night seemed too cold, I tried to keep myself warm while making it apparent that I needed a ride. Finally after the hours that I had been standing there, all alone, someone pulled up.
"Need a ride?" A woman who was about 21 asked me
"Yes" I nodded, shivering
"Well get on in" She waved her hand
           I got in her old fashioned Cadillac.
"You looked like you just saw a ghost" She said as she started driving
"Well, it's a long story..." I pulled my legs up to my chest
"We got a long drive ahead" She looked at me
"You're going to think I'm crazy" I blinked
"We're all a little crazy" She smiled nicely
"Okay... Well.."

           My mom, dad, sister and I were going on vacation. We had been driving through the country for hours on end, and I was tired, I fell asleep.
Now I was asleep for hours, and when I woke up, I expected that we would finally be driving out of the country, finding something for dinner. But when I woke up, I found something much different. 
            Slowly my eyes opened, adjusting to the afternoon sky. I looked around, we were in the middle of a wheat field. I looked over to where my sister was sitting. But my sister wasn't there. Instead, blood. Covering the leather seats of my parent's car. 
My parents weren't there either.
Blood also replaced the area they had been seated. 
The blood was sticky and smelled like metal, the blood had been here for hours. 
"Mom?! Dad!?" I screamed, getting out of the car
             No reply. A trail of blood dragged itself from the car. I followed it, needing to find them. Wheat was crushed in such unusual patterns, blood was spit in various locations. But I followed what I could manage, and yes, it lead me to the first dead body. 
No arms, no legs, no head. 
It was my dad. 
Ripped apart, dead.
             There was still a trail of blood past that, I followed it. After thirty feet or so I found two ripped apart people, my mom and my sister. 
This made no sense. Why would someone want to kill my family? Why would a murderer kill them, and not me? Why am I still alive? 
             I heard something behind me, I flipped around to face it. But there was nothing. Slowly I backed away, unsure. Soon enough I decided to go full out sprinting to where ever. I ran, no destination in sight. 
Finally I reached a rode, no one was driving, but soon enough someone would come across me and save me from this nightmare. 
*End of flashback*

"And that's what happened" I felt insane as I told her this, like I was making it up
"I'm so sorry honey" She shook her head
             A little ways ahead were three hitchhikers.
"Let's make our party bigger, shall we?" She asked me, pulling over
"Thank you!" A man got in, pulling in his wife and daughter
"Dad...?" I turned around and looked at him, facing my dad father, mother and sister

              Little did this girl know. She had died. But her sub conscience wasn't dead yet. They had been murdered by a mental hospital escapee. The woman that picked them up? Also dead. Also murdered. See, there's a dimension that lies between life and death.
It's called the Twilight Zone.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Pushing Daisies Pt. 5

         Watching that sick soul die wasn't anything to me. Now I smelled like blood and cinnamon, mostly since she just smelled cinnamon. The Aragon Ball Room seemed so much calmer now, no one else. I left though, there was security and they probably had heard us already. Somehow I ended up on the roof, chainsaw in hand.
"Look daddy!" A little girl on the ground pointed up at me
"What the...? Is that a chainsaw?!" He started freaking out, instantly I pushed a button and it went back to a dagger
"She's pretty" The little girl said. She knows what I look like.... I hid, hoping she wouldn't see me
"Let's go honey" He pulled her away, noticing I had disappeared
           That was close... I sighed, the indigo sky had a light orange rising. This isn't what I thought would have happened. Since I've lived in Chicago my whole life I was surprised, in no way did I think that there would be such a big secret. Something started buzzing in my pocket.
"What?" I asked myself, pulling a circle out of my pocket
            This circle was glittery pearl white. And it was buzzing. I flipped it open, a bright screen was flashing. What's going on? I thought, confused, I decided to touch the screen. The moment my fingertip touched the screen it came up with a profile

Name: Mika Leeks
Race: Demon
Status: Dead (Murdered by Rosemary Ace)

              A little picture of her popped up. Then in bright red letters 'DEAD' flashed across it. 
"Awesome..." I said, thinking this was cool
              But I had murdered a person without even flinching. Shouldn't I feel sick about that? But I don't. I'm supposed to be killing these people. So it shouldn't matter. 
I guess not
              I kept walking, trying to think of where to go next. Truthfully I didn't want to run into anyone else I knew or was going to get to know. I just wanted home. But home was being searched. So I had to improvise.
              Somewhere along the way I ran into a hotel and decided that I would be staying there from now on. Delicately I climbed up the wall, soon enough I was at least 23 stories high. I decided this was far enough, I found a room that was free and climbed in. This room was huge, gold was everywhere, along with creme and lavender. But this wasn't suiting for a Reaper.
              I snapped my fingers, everything turned red, black, and white. Perfect. Just my luck, someone knocked on the door. Crap... Someone saw me... I sighed, got up, and got it.
"Hello Miss!" A cheerful little lady said
"Hi" I felt awkward
"Do you need anything?" She asked, very intent
"Who are you?" I asked, curious
"Starr Evans" She informed
"What number?"
"Eleven" She blinked
"What are you?"
"The star" She rolled her eyes, it was obvious now that I think about it...
"Oh.." I felt stupid
"You're the Reaper, number thirteen, Rosemary Ace?" She recited
"Yes..." Did everyone know me?!
"Well, you're free to stay here" She smiled "Have a goodnight"
"You too" I smiled and shut the door
                This was insane.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

I'll Be His Princess Pt. 3

          Hikaru explained how things at Ouran worked. He was really sweet and helpful. I got to meet his identical twin brother Karou. Karou seemed like he would be sweeter if Hikaru wasn't around. But whatever. Ouran was all pink and white marble, big windows, bright light. Ouran was over-killing it. From that point on Hikaru and Karou kinda became my best friends. They were going to show me all of Ouran and something they called a Host Club.
          Class was really easy, every single question I got right, and it didn't take me very long. Quickly I was going to climb to the top of our class. In Japan, their High School has three years, each year has 4 classes if you're an A, B, C or D student. Since I'm an A student, I'm in class 1-A.
           I sat in between Hikaru and Karou. Joining the group of people at Ouran with odd colored hair.
           Finally class was over, Hikaru and Karou were talking over something about Tamaki and a Kyoya. I waited for them, since I didn't plan on going home just yet.
"You ready?" Karou asked me
"Yeah" I nodded awkwardly
"Let's go" Hikaru and Karou hooked elbows with me and walked
           It was kinda awkward, I hadn't hooked arms with a guy for a long time.
Since my dad died actually.
We walked, they seemed to have this air about them now.
Which was weird.
"We're here Boss" Hikaru and Karou chorused when we entered the room
"Finally!" A blonde boy with purple eyes said, his height was quite intimidating compared to Hikaru and Karou
"We brought a guest" Karou stated
"Genesequa mademoiselle!" (How beautiful you are, miss)The blonde boy said, speaking in French
"How beautiful you are, miss?" I asked blankly, not falling for him, and realizing taking French really helped
"You're... Un-phased by it?" His world seemed to be crumbling, quickly
"Idiotic compliments have no effect" I rolled my eyes
           Then something I wasn't expecting. This blonde, tall boy with a huge ego just got it crushed by a simple comment. He sat in the corner, facing the wall, now grey and black.
"HOW DID HE CHANGE COLORS?!?!" I was fascinated by this
"Boss went into his emo corner, it's gonna take a compliment to get him out" Hikaru explained
"I wanna know how to change colors!" This was still fascinating to me
"Give him a compliment already" A tall black haired boy with glasses said
"Genesequa monsieur" (How beautiful you are, sir)I rolled my eyes, doubting that turning is compliment around would do anything
"Well I always have had immaculate beauty!" He jumped up, sparkling
"Woahhh" Not something I thought he would've done
"Boss has an ego that can be shot down, but picked right back up" Karou whispered to me
"Oh" I nodded, getting it "Well, I'm August Lights" I held out my hand
"Tamaki Suoh" He shook my hand, sparkling
"Vous parlez Francais?" (You speak French?) I asked
"Oui" (Yes) He nodded, smiling
"J'ai une question" (I have a question) I told him, he nodded "Nous avons rencontre avant, corriger?" (We've met before, correct?) 
"Oui" (Yes) He nodded
"Je ne comprends pas" (I don't understand) I shook my head, slightly confused
"Pourquoi?" (Why?) He now seemed confused
"Je ne vous rappelez-vous, a tous les" (I don't remember you, at all) I said, hoping his ego wouldn't be shot down
"Vous traîné avec ma sœur la plupart du temps" (You hung out with my sister most of the time) He explained
"Eloise!" I smiled, remembering her name
"Oui" (Yes) He laughed nicely, smiling
"Comment est-elle?" (How is she?) I smiled
"Elle ne cesse de tomber malade, comme notre mère" (She keeps getting sick, like our mother) He sighed
"Je suis désolé" (I'm sorry) I hugged him
"Elle va mieux" (She's getting better) He hugged me
"C'est bien" (That's good) I smiled 
"Comment vas-tu?" (How've you been?) He asked
"Oh, eh bien, la dernière fois que nous nous sommes vus, mes parents Ã©taient toujours là, non?" (Oh, well, the last time we saw each other, my parents were still around, right?) I wanted to make sure
"Oui, ce qui s'est passé" (Yes, what happened?) He now seemed worried
"Ils sont morts dans les attaques de 9/11 quand j'avias l'habitude de vivre en Amérique.." (They died in the 9/11 attacks when I used to live in America..) I tried not to make my voice heavy or sad
"Oh, je suis tellement désolé ma chérie!" (Oh, I'm so sorry sweetheart!) He pulled me into a tight hug
"C'est bon Tamaki" (It's okay Tamaki) I laughed lightly, trying to seem happy
"Si jamais vous avez besoin de quelque chose, papa est toujours là pour sa petite fille, d'accord?" (If you ever need anything, daddy's always here for his little girl, okay?) He asked
"Bien" (Okay) I nodded, hugging him tightly 
"Je suis vraiment désolé" (I'm really sorry) He kissed my forehead
"Tant que tu es là pour moi, c'est tout ce que j'ai besoin" (As long as you're here for me, that's all I need) I smiled at him
"Chaque fois que vous avez besoin de moi, je serai là pour toi, je te promets" (Anytime you need me, I'll be here for you, I promise ) He smiled 
"Thank you" I smiled and hugged him 
         We had totally forgot that we were speaking in French. It was nice having a childhood friend at a new school. 
"So you two know each other?" Hikaru and Karou asked in unison
"Yes" I nodded "We were friends as kids"
"Oh" They nodded
          I hugged Tamaki again. 
"I should probably get going" I told him
"Okay, be safe" 
"I'll try" I smiled up at him
          He kissed my forehead, smiled and let me go. As I walked away I felt like I had a new family, Tamaki, Hikaru, Karou and the other hosts. It was nice, and hopefully soon enough I'd see Eloise again. This was a pretty good day.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pushing Daisies Pt. 4

        Later I learned that his name was Shay. He was one of the older 'mutants' as he referred to us. Apparently he didn't take it so well that he was apart of this loop. We talked about it, he was surprised that I was the Reaper. There was some myth throughout them that the Reaper would be the last to be numbered. But apparently not.
        He explained the blood colors, and that it tied into the fact I was wearing white, black and red. Since everyone had red, white or black blood. Being the Reaper I would see it all. The skulls just added to the fact I was death. Shay told me that later on, I'd meet his twin, Shane. Shane was the witch.
        All of this information was coming in too fast. It wasn't sinking in fast enough, and I needed to stay sharp. Shay let me be after a while, understanding that all of this information was hard to deal with.  I walked along Navy Pier, getting odd looks since I seemed so 'Rocker' ish. Mulling all of this info over was harder than I thought it would be.
        I would become a murderer. And all of the blood would be on my hands alone. None of it made sense to me at the time. How could I kill a person? Well, I mean...
I already had, but that didn't register in my mind.
My dad's dead body did though.
It flashed through, leaving this unbearable imprint.
        But that was just the start of the dead bodies I would be seeing, and I knew that. Many more things came up in my world. Little sprites would fly around, this thick ancient dust filled my vicinity, and I wasn't the only one to notice. As people walked by me they felt the heavy air. None of them said anything, not even on the subway.
        Time seemed to move slower now. As if every second held a new secret, or mystery. How am I going to spend enternity like this? I was immortal, this is how I would be spending my time. I continued going around, looking, trying to find something. Someone.
        Finally I reached what I then realized to be my destination, The Aragon Ball Room. A little bit away from Chicago, the architecture of the building doesn't look like much from the outside. But inside, the vast space is amazing, the ceiling, flooded with paintings of stars and planet. One thin string holding a disco ball hangs down in the center of the room. Now iridescent beer signs hung up everywhere. Which made me angry.
         Mentally I ripped the signs down, returning it to the beauty it had been. To my surprise, the signs came down as I 'ripped' them off. Not what I had been expecting. Finally the room seemed perfect, peaceful, quiet.
"Helloooooo" A voice rang out "Oh look, a little Reaper"
"Who are you?" I asked, not moving
"Look up sweetheart" This voice was shrill and painful, but I did as I was told
"A demon, huh?" I stuck a pose, looking up at the girl with a nasty grin on her face
"Why yes" She giggled in a sick little way
"What's your number?" I asked
"Oh that's not important" She smirked
"Then what is?" Little did I know that was a trap
"Well, taking your soul is important to me" She flew down next to me, and had her arms around me
"Oh really?" I smirked, playing her little game
"It's very important to me" She leaned closer, her breath hot and very cinnamon like
"So I can tell" I leaned closer to her, letting her catch my breath, which was ice cold and smelled like blood
"And I want yours oh so badly" She kept up this act
          Without thinking I knew what I was going to do. Quietly I pulled out my dagger and pressed the sword button. Quietly it transformed.
"Well, any last words?" I asked, which confused her
          With that I stabbed her in the stomach, and watched the black blood pour out of her.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pushing Daisies Pt. 3

            Dag had been creepy, but nice. He had explained most of the things to me. How since I was the reaper, I was responsible for most of their deaths. Even if I didn't know it yet.
Slowly I would kill each and everyone of them off.
One by one.
Slow, letting it sink in that they were dying.
But it never seemed to me that I could do that.
             As I screwed around with my dagger I realized that it had several buttons. One button, turned this little dagger into a huge chainsaw, which despite it's size, it was really light. Another turned it into a sword, then a wooden stick with a sharp end, chains, and a pen. The pen was unclear to me. But I guess it would come in handy.
             Dag explained to me that I'm going to be invisible when I'm in hiding, when I want to or when I'm in danger. Not everyone can become invisible. Only a few of us. But whatever.
The cold Chicago air bit back, but I was warm.
             Let me explain a little more.
My hair was now floor length, I kept it up in a pony tail. It was cherry red, at least until you reached my roots which were black. I had on a pair of black skinny jeans with red skulls painted on the bottom of the pant legs. My red shirt matched my hair, black thread, red fabric. These Converse I had on were red, with black and white accents.
              I had on a black silk tie, it was small but looked very sleek. Somehow I hadn't noticed the silver bangles that had appeared on my now ink stained arms. The number thirteen on top of my hand, the bar code on m wrist. More lines had flooded my arms, forming flowers, skulls, hearts, weapons, anything.
              My nails had turned shiny black, permanently. Something I hadn't realized, usually when I looked at my wrist I see those blue veins running down. Now, I see white veins. White. Snow white. I had to know, I pulled the dagger out and pricked my finger, needing to check to see what my blood color was.
Now the prick didn't hurt, it was like I hadn't done it.
But the white liquid coming out told a different story, white blood.
"Are you okay?" Some man asked me
"I'm fine" I saw his eyes look at my finger, he saw the white blood
"What number are you?" He knew what I was
"Thirteen, you?"
"Ten" He showed me the rugged silver imprint in his hand
"Which one are you?" I asked
"I'm the wizard" He whispered

Long Live Pt. 5

           We had started the game, there was no way out now. Cali, John and I had went to a Starbucks to sort this all out.
"What are we going to do?" John asked
"We have to play the game all the way through" Cali said, obviously
"Oh my god you guys" I just realized what this meant
"What?" John and Cali asked
"In Homestuck, remember how there was that meteor attack?" I was freaked "What if that happen here?"
"No, that can't happen" John shook his head, refusing to accept the truth that we would have to face
            There was a meteor attack that was going to happen. T-Minus 5 Days 4 Hours 36 Minutes 09 Seconds. And counting.
"What if the 'trolls' are actual trolls?" Cali asked, adding to our fright
"Let's settle this, once an for all" I pulled out my phone and pulled up PesterChum the app


MC: um, hey, could you do something for me?
MC: uncle Karkat?
CG: .......
MC: uncle Karkat
MC: John, Cali and i need your help
MC: the other 'trolls' 
MC: are they really trolls?
MC: how do we beat the game?
MC: uncle Karkat, listen....
MC: i don't live with them anymore
MC: i couldn't handle my dad
MC: and i just told them
MC: so stop attacking them
MC: i love them
MC: and i love you just the same
MC: someone is sabotaging John, Cali and I
MC: and we need your help
MC: what are you talking about? 
MC: you need to talk to uncle John, maybe you can work something out
MC: slightly
MC: ohhhhhhh
MC: i have to go
MC: but i want to talk to you later
MC: i love you

           I put my phone away, feeling awkward.
"What is it?" John asked
"Nothing" I shook my head
"Okay.." John shrugged, still slightly awkward, knowing how we were all related
           I started mulling over what Uncle Karkat had told me. The trolls who trolled us were ACTUAL trolls. Slowly it started sinking in. I was getting used to it. Cali looked at something on the table, blank, unsure how to deal with how this day had gone.
"It'll be okay, Cali" I rubbed her arm
           Her skin was cold, some thing that was unusual. Normally she was warm, but slowly goosebumps started rising.
This wasn't good.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Pushing Daisies Pt. 2

                 I wasn't out for very long, soon enough I was squirming in this woman's arms.
"Moss, she's up" The woman said with a frightened tone
"That should've killed her.." He seemed confused
"What do I do?!" She screamed
"Try to crush her bones" He said, assuming it would kill me
"Okay" She said quite calmly, then threw me against the wall as hard as she could
                 Nothing. I wasn't hurt. But I could tell this woman was not human. She was too strong for her small frame.
"Moss" She looked at him, obviously I was supposed to die
                 As if my hand had a mind of its own, it flew to her neck. Slowly shutting off her air supply. Somehow I knew, even if I couldn't see, I knew, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. I killed her. Moss looked at me, scared. He knew what was coming.
                 Again, my hand flew to his neck, shutting off his air supply. He gave more of a fight, gripping my hand, trying to pull it away. But that wasn't working. My arm was like a heavy weight, not moving. His eyes rolled into the back of his skull, going limp. No... What? This was all happening too fast, my heart was pumping, adrenaline rushing. Except, it should've been, somehow I could tell that my heart, wasn't pumping.
                 I felt for a pulse... Nothing... But I was here, I was alive. A piece of paper had fallen from Moss's pocket or something. I picked it up.

Name: Kellan Ace, Rosemary Ace
Race: Human, Reaper
Status: Dead, Immortal 

                 Kellan was my dad, wait... I'm a reaper? Like, a Grim Reaper?! And I'm immortal?!
This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder...
My skin looked pale, very pale. Maybe I should go to a doctor, or maybe not...
I sprinted out of my house, sprinting pass the other people in suits. None of them noticing.
                 As if it weren't weird enough already, my hair started growing like crazy. Quickly it changed from black to red with black roots. This was confusing. My nails became black, shiny black, like I had painted them, but I hadn't, and it was permanent. Down my left arm a thin line of black started drawing itself, under my skin, there was no way to get this black off. It created a skull and a bar code.
                 Why do I need a bar code?! Especially such a delicate one..
Instead of the normal thick black lines, this one was thin, and detailed. They were like plants or something.
No one noticed me, but I noticed a lot more than I had before. A person with white hair, paler skin than mine was walking around, grey hoodie, acid washed jeans.
"Hey!" I said without thinking, hoping he would hear me
"What?" He looked up at me, then realized who I was
"What's happening?" I started shaking, my pajamas turning into black jeans, a red shirt, red Converse, and a dagger.
"You're the one they've been looking for" He blinked, assuming I knew
"What am I?!" I asked, trying to get more to the point
"You're a reaper. The only reaper" He said blankly
"Why don't they care I'm out here?" I shook
"You're invisible" He stated "Just like the rest of us"
"What are you?" I asked
"I'm a vampire, Dag" He held his hand out, exposing red skin
"Rosemary" I shook his hand "What happened to your skin?"
"Nothing" He snapped, quickly putting his hand back into his hoodie pocket
"Um... Okay?" I was still confused
"What's your number?" He asked
"My what?" I asked right back
                    He rolled his eyes and took my left arm, now with a number on it.
"Thirteen" He smirked "Fitting for a reaper"
"What's yours?" I assumed it was the right thing to ask
"Four" He shrugged, not showing me
"What's going on?" I asked
"There are seventeen of us, we're all different"  He explained
"So there's like, a werewolf and a fairy and a mermaid--" I was listing them
"You got those right" He told me "And then there's you, a Reaper, then me, a Vampire, a ghost, goblin, siren, witch, wizard, star, demon, spider, angel, alien, dragon, and an elf"
"Wow.." I rubbed my head
"There's only one of us" He explained "A couple of us are immortal, some aren't. I guess we'll see who's immortal and who isn't"

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Long Live Pt.4



MC: hey
MC: YG said i should talk to you
ED: >:]
MC: correct
ED: UNL1K3 L4ST T1M3 WH3N SH3....
MC: who?
MC: is that bad?
MC: oh, let me assume here, you talked to him in my future, huh?
MC: why do you guys keep going on and on about it?!
MC: youre not fooling anyone!
MC: ....yes...
MC: he wouldn't do that
ED: 1S...
ED: NO...
ED: 1 UM....
ED: 1 N33D TO GO

                  She logged off. I knew about her and John in Homestuck, she was always messing with him, but it's not like he was that significant to her. My phone started ringing, taking me off of what I was thinking about.
"Hello?" I just picked it up, not caring
"Atari, honey is that you?" Someone asked worriedly
"Who is this?" I asked, no one had called me honey since...
"Atari, honey this is mom. Why did you change your last name?" It all suddenly clicked
                    Everything my parents did.
Their names.
Their outfits.
Their actions.
Their stopping and crying over what happened.
Their last name.
My last name.
I took a precious piece of my heritage and destroyed it.
"I'm so sorry mom... I didn't realize until now..." I started shaking, I closed my laptop and put it on the ground
                       Before I changed my last name to Vans, it was Strider. Then everything hit me.
My dad was Dave Strider.
My mom was Jade Harely.
John's parents were John Egbert and Rose Lalonde
But we always suspected he had been adopted since he had two dads and no mom.
I flung around and it all made sense.
"Jane?" I asked, keeping my mom on hold
"Yes?" Cali's mom came out
"You're Jane Crocker" This was processing very slowly in my mind
"Yes" A pained look came across her face
"Oh my god..."
"Honey, are you still there?" My mom asked
"Yes, I just..."
"Honey, Uncle Karkat told us that one of your friends isn't who you think he is. He sent you... You know, that game, right?"
"We don't know who sent it" I shook my head
"Don't start playing it, not matter what, okay?" She asked
"I.. I already started playing it..."
                         Instantly my mom burst into tears, I could hear what I hoped was my dad answer the phone.
"Atari?" He asked
"Yes dad?" I could feel tears stream slowly down my face
"I'm sorry for treating you how I treated you"
                         Then I remembered. As a child when Dave grew up, Bro, his undefined would hurt him. Play games that would purposefully end badly. All to make him stronger.
"No dad. I'm sorry for running." I shook my head
"Well, you're mother is upset, so I can only guess that you started playing sBURB"
"I did..." I said quietly
"You gotta play all the way through, don't let anyone stop you, don't give up on the game. Just wait until you reach the God Tier" I could hear his voice become heavy and wet
                          Like John's had been.
"Okay daddy" I started shaking
                          God Tier meant dying.
"It's been a long time since you've called me..." He started, then stopped
                           He was a cool kid. No time for sentimental crap.
"Daddy, did John ever have a son?" I asked
"Yeah, Uncle John and Aunt Rose had a son and daughter. They gave their son to Uncle Dirk and Uncle Jake, their daughter went to Aunt Jane" He explained
"What about Aunt Roxy?" I asked
"Oh sweetheart, I hoped you wouldn't remember her..." He sighed
"What happened to Aunt Roxy?" I asked
"She died"
"How?" I had some memories of her, they were the best I had
"Well, you know that Aunt Roxy had a drinking problem, and memories of sBURB were drilled in her head. Finally after drinking a ton and going through it all again, which isn't easy, she got in a car accident.."
"Oh..." I wasn't sure how to react
"I'm sorry honey" He said
"It's... It's okay.. I don't remember her too much" Huge lie "Did anyone have a kid named Michael?"
"No, why?" He asked
"Oh, no reason" I said
"Okay honey"
"Can I call you back?" I asked
"Okay, talk to you later daddy" I hung up and looked at Cali
"What is it?" She asked
"Come on" I took her hand and pulled her outside, we went and found John
"I WASN'T PLAYING!" He put his hands up
"It's okay John" I shook my head. I have some news"
"What?" Cali and John asked
"Uncle Dirk, Uncle Jake?" I asked
"Yeah?" They came around
                           Instantly I attack hugged them both.
"She must've found out" Dirk said, looking at Jake
"What's going on?" John asked
"We should probably explain it to them" Jake said
"Probably.." Dirk agreed, just deciding to pick me up and to hug me
"Dad explained some things to me" I whispered to him, hugging him
"You talked to Dave?" Dirk asked
"Bro..." It hit me, Dirk was Bro
                            He hugged me even tighter. We were all related
"Okay John, you know how you look like John Egbert for Homestuck?" Jake said slowly
"Yeah" He wasn't catching on
"Your dad is John Egbert, your mom is Rose Lalonde" Jake explained
"Oh my god..." John's eyes got huge
"Your sister is Cali, Atari is your cousin" He explained
"Oh my god" Cali and John said at the same time

Friday, September 7, 2012

Long Live Pt. 3

"IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE?!" Cali, John and I yelled at once
"Wait.. It wasn't either of you?" John pointed in between the both of us
"Why would we do something like this?!" I screamed
"This isn't funny" Cali started shaking, but she was firm with her words
"It's okay Cali..." I wrapped my arms around her, hoping to calm her down
"Maybe it was Michael" John fumbled around for his phone
"WHICH ONE OF YOU SENT THIS?!" I found it slightly ironic that Michael walks up now
"None of us" John was really upset by all of this, his voice was wet and heavy, like he was going to cry
"What are we going to do with it?" Cali cried, in my arms
"We won't play it, obviously" Michael said
"But the chance to play sBURB?" I asked "Isn't that what we all wanted?"
                    True actually. For a while we had an obsession with trying to find sBURB. After at least three months of it we all agreed to stop looking, and if we did run across the game, we wouldn't play it.
"Yeah..." John said, looking at the disk, wondering what it held.
"We should just talk about it tomorrow" I said "When we're all calm"
"Good idea" Michael said
"Okay.. Let's go Cali.." I took her hand and led her back inside
                    We sat down on the couch and pulled out our laptops. There was a couple of things I wanted to look at for school, I'm sure Cali did too. Instantly when I logged on PesterChum flooded my screen with things that happened, my profile, and DG was trolling me.
                     Here's something that might help, my chat name is mentalContortionist, I type in Dead Ivy. DG was some person who claimed to be a troll from Alternia, like the trolls in Homestuck. She was deadGirl. No clue what she types in.


DG: get 0n. get 0n. get 0n.
MC: i talked to you yesterday, what could've changed in seriously, less than twenty four hours? 
DG: y0u kn0w KL, right? i talked t0 him in y0ur future and hes--
MC: you're not a real troll from Homestuck. stop saying you are.
MC: as much as i'd like, Homestuck isn't real. John Egbert isn't real. Dave Strider isn't real. none of them are
MC: you're not a troll. you're not in the future
MC: just stop
DG: but hes g0nna--
MC: no. enough. stop talking to me, if you run across YG then tell him to talk to me.

                         I blocked her. No need in talking to her about some physco babble she was making up just for attention. Cali glanced at me and then at our sBURB disks. Slowly I took mine, she didn't notice. Quietly I opened the disk compartment thing and put sBURB in. I know we said we wouldn't touch it, but I was too curious. My laptop started running the software. After about thirty seconds, the familiar green circle showed up ((A/N:
                        Then the game started, a little character that looked like me showed up. In the corner of the screen it said '3 out of 4 players'. So I wasn't the only one who was curious about playing, now was I? Cali glanced over at me again, she was one of the players. John was the other. There was a drop down box that said who was online.
                         John's character looked just like him and John Egbert from Homestuck. Cali looked like Rose, just a little longer hair. My character was similar to Jade, my glasses weren't as round as hers. Up popped above my head 'ENTER NAME:'. Just like in the story, a really weird and random name showed up. Like in the story, the name received a X. Then entered my real name.
                         Now I was freaked out, how did it know my name? How did it know what we looked like? How did it know the layout of the house? This wasn't possible. No. It can't be. We were even sitting in the right areas. Cali next to me, with our laptops.
                         Another troll started pestering me.


YG: why diid you yell at DG?!
MC: i didn't yell--
YG: 2he 2tarted cryiing, 2he thiink2 youre really angry wiith her
MC: she needs to tell other people her made up stories
YG: theyre not made up MC, you really need two watch out for KL, he2 bad new2
MC: i've known KL for years now, he's not bad
YG: he 2eem2 normal riight now-- two you, iin your future he2 gonna-
MC: oh not you too! stop with this whole 'in your future' crap! it sounds like you're some fourtion teller 
YG: okay, ii dont under2tand why you wont lii2ten two me here, were tryiing to help you
YG: iif you dont 2top KL he2 gonna de2troy you all
YG: no joke
MC: okay, ive known micha-- i mean KL for a long time, he's not going to destroy us all. 
YG: he ii2 MC, you need two 2top hiim
YG: talk two ED 2hell be able two giive you all of the iinfo you need
YG: make 2ure two tell EB 2iince theyre doiing that human thiing where you 'date' each other
YG: iitll hurt hiim the most
MC: yeah right. okay, whatever. i'll talk to her. bye. 

                          I flipped through my chat contacts, looking for ED (envelopesDiabolical). When YG (yesterdaysGone) and I started talking his typing was confusing. I learned that he puts 'two' in for any 'to' 'too' or 'two', 2's are his S's and when he doubles I's it's just one I.
                          Finally I found ED and I started pestering.

Long Live Pt. 2

                  The first day was finally over. Cali, John and I were walking home. Michael had dissepeared somewhere. Like I cared though. Anyway, Cali and John were arguing if Dave would date Terezi or Jade. Again, we loved Homestuck. And usually we argued about ships and what character would hate what character.
"Jade and Dave is so much cuter though!" Cali argued
"But Dave always flirts with Tere--"
"Cool kid doesn't flirt" She said in her Terezi voice
                   A few years ago we all decided what character we were from Homestuck. Cali was Terezi, I was Karkat, John was John, and Michael was Gamzee. At the time I questioned Michael about his choice. Gamzee is the character who kills everybody, he's just insane. So why? Michael said it was because of juggalos and whatnot. After that we didn't talk about it anymore.
"John, Terezi is mine" I wrapped my arms around her, playing along in my Karkat voice "And Dave-"
"Is Karkles admitting his love for me?!" Cali screamed, fan girling in her Terezi voice
"Phst, no" I let her go, blushing, taking in the moment that would wholly embarrass Karkat
"I think he was!" John laughed "He's blushing!" John pinched my cheeks
"Shut up Egbert" I pushed his hand away, blushing even more
"Awww, someone's in love" Cali giggled blindly
                    Here's some explanation: Homestuck follows John Egbert and his three friends Dave Strider, Rose Lalonde, and Jade Harely. They play sBURB BETA. A game where they have to kill their family and destroy their home-- well, their planet. After a while they meet the trolls, in blood order they go: Karkat Vantas, Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram, Sollux Captor, Nepeta Lejion, Kanaya Maryam, Terezi Pyrope, Vriska Serket, Equius Zahhak, Gamzee Makara, Eridan Ampora, and Feferi Peixes.
                     They represent the zodiac, in the same order it goes: Cancer, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pieces.
"No I'm not" I let the protective Karkat hold his place
"Sure you're not" She grinned
"I gotta go to my hive" I blushed, using my house as an excuse to leave the conversation
"See you later Karkat" John smirked
                      I kept blushing but kept going, I got the mail and went inside. Cali talked with John for a few minutes, probably some conversation about math class that day.
"Hey Atari" Cali's younger brother Travis said to me when I walked in the door
"Hey Travis" I nodded at him, setting the mail down
"How was school?" Cali's mom asked me
"It was okay" I shrugged "Brought in the mail"
                      Everything seemed normal, I grabbed a Tab and sat next to Travis.
"You got mail, Atari" She handed me a blank white envelope
                      I turned it over, I was expecting for it to be blank on the other side too. But no, something I wasn't expecting. The sBURB BETA symblol. I started laughing, thinking it was some sort of prank. As I opened it I realized it wasn't a prank. One disk fell out of the envelope. One disk either containing something unimportant or sBURB. I turned around, Cali thought it was a prank too. She had gotten one.
                      Neither of us had put in a request for it. She looked at me, scared. We both knew what it was-- and what it meant. This isn't possible. This isn't happening. We ran outside, looking for John.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Full Moon Pt. 2

Fourteen Years Later

Arie’s P.O.V. :

                Dawn rose along the horizon. Ash was asleep in his room, I got up and pulled a thin knee length dress on. Fourteen years ago, Ash picked me up. From then on I had changed his life. Before me, he had been a thief. But then he found us an abandoned house in the country. Every morning I make him breakfast. He likes it, but he tells me that I don’t have to do it.
                But I feel like I have too. He’s been here for me my entire life. If he hadn’t picked me up…
I don’t know what would’ve happened. I brushed my hair and pulled it back, my ears flicked at the little noises going on around me. Ash always treated me like his daughter. When there’s a thunderstorm he’s there for me. I love him and he loves me.
                I pulled out a few eggs and an apple. Ash had built us a stove, so I grabbed out a pan and cracked the eggs onto it. We lived in this little cottage, three small rooms. I could hear him sleep. Being half dog and all, I have a sense for it. But when he slept, he would breath very loudly. Not snoring, just loudly breathing. At least I knew he was alive.
                Now the sky was dark, not orangey like it had been previously. There was going to be a storm today, I whimpered. No way in hell did I like storms. My ears went flat, the dark sky illuminated itself with a bolt of lightning. I tried to ignore it. That can’t stop me. Ash sat up, hearing the thunder. Knowing it scared me.
“Arie?” He came out of his room, looking for me
                By now I had run into the wheat field or hid in the fireplace. 
“Ash…” I whimpered as lightning struck again
“Come here..” He was tired, but he was like my dad
                Lightning was just going off like wild fire. Almost every second it struck again. The sky had turned from light to dark in only a few minutes.

Ash’s P.O.V. :

                No. Please no. Thunder struck over and over. Arie shook, I went over to her and pulled her into a hug. Even at fourteen Arie’s dog side showed through a lot. She curled up in my arms, scared.
“It’s okay, Arie” I said, holding her close
                She shook in my arms, too scared to even acknowledge that I was telling her something. Not that I could blame her though. As a kid I was scared of thunder. But so early in the morning it was kinda odd. Yet again, out here the weather is unpredictable. Again, thunder struck and Arie shook.
"You're going to be okay, honey" I held her close
                As more thunder made our house shake, she hid in my shirt. 
"I promise" 

Long Live Pt. 1

God I hate high school. No way was I going to make it through this year. Skater kids rode by me and the Smokers took their final drags before going inside. My name's Atari Vans. Seventeen years old. Living with my girlfriend. I couldn't live with my parents. They were just jerks to me. Cali, my girlfriend, was walking with me, holding my hand. My purple hair was up in a pony tail and her bleach blonde hair was in braids.
          Today was the first day of school. Cali looked around and popped her green bubble gum. Her trademark. We dressed alike most of the time, like today. We both were wearing black tank tops and blue jeans. She had a slight bounce in her step that was just adorable. The bells on my watch over voodoo dolls rang as I walked up to Appleton High. 
          My best dude friend was standing by his boyfriend.
"Hey John" I nodded at him
"Hey Atari" He nodded at me
          His boyfriend Michael looked at me in a different way than he ever had... I tried to not focus on it too much. Michael and I had known each other for a long time. Less longer than I had known John, we were neighbors so we grew up with each other. I met Cali when she moved in a across the street from John and I. He kinda.. Gave me a lingering look...
          Whatever.. John loves Michael, Michael loves John. I pulled Cali into school, trying to divert from Michael. She was slightly confused as to why I didn't keep talking to John, but went with it. She didn't ask me a whole lot when it came to getting away from John. He could be an idiot at times.
          Cali looked around was we walked. People walked by us. Everyone was used to us together. After 7th grade we realized we were all together and we should be helping, not fighting each other. We all were like a giant team. It was nice.
"Hey Atari" Some person said
"Yo" I nodded at them
          We continued walking. Cali held my hand tightly. She looked at the locker numbers, counting them under her breath.
"1558... 1559... 1560.." Her locker number was 1563, mine was 1565 and John was 1564. Right in between us.
"Here it is" I smiled and pointed at hers
"There's John's" She laughed, pointing at the locker that was decked out with John Egbert pictures, he loved that he had the same name as John Egbert from Homestuck. He looked like him too
"Yes it is" I laughed, opening the locker on the other side of his

Pushing Daisies Pt. 1

"ROSEMARY!" My dad ran in my room, slamming the door behind him
"What?!" I bolted up, instantly awake
"Hide. Now." He was shaking, holding the door closed as much as he could
"O--Okay" I started shaking and climbed under my bed
             The door didn't stay closed for long. Some people busted it down, maybe about three or four men in gas masks and a form of sanitation suit I guess. A cloud of dark blue gas flooded in, almost instantly my dad fell to the floor. Two of them pulled out guns and shot him. Slowly his blood seeped out onto the ground. Something was confusing though, the gas was around me. But I wasn't passed out.
              It was just like air to me. The two men who shot my father picked him up and carried him out. Another man, or woman, the suit and mask made it hard to tell. Either way, someone took the edge of the bed and lifted it. There I was, exposed in a t-shirt and shorts.
"She isn't phased by it, Moss" The person said quickly, scared to another person
"Get her. Quick." The person who was apparently Moss said
              Quickly this person grabbed me. There was no way I could move. Seeing my father get shot scared me. It flashed before my mind. The person who grabbed me was a woman, she had a really soft grip and a feminine physique.
"Okay honey, you'll be okay" She said, holding me bridal style
              Instantly I was shaking, her voice was weird. Malformed by the mask maybe. What happened with my dad? Why did he get shot? Am I going to get shot? Questions like that flew through my mind. But I couldn't ask any. I had stopped reacting when my brain told me to react.
              But something did come through. I started struggling in this woman's grip.
"Stop." She said seriously
"NO" I cried, struggling
"Stop. Now." She stuck a syringe in my neck, pushing some liquid through my veins
              Everything got very blurry. But this wouldn't stop me. Slowly light and noises faded as I struggled. Finally, it all stopped. No more struggling. Just deep sleep.
Very deep sleep.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Full Moon Pt. 1

Ash’s P.O.V.  :

                God I hate living like this. I thought as I ran from the merchant. For some reason, ever since I was five I’d been running from people. Either I stole something, I was trying to run from my past, or there was someone trying to kill me.  Now I’m sixteen. This has been my life for a couple of years now, I’m used to it.
                This time I stole bread and tomatoes. A pretty bad grab for the weight or it. But this merchant was slow, and he didn’t want to run. I looked over my shoulder.
“HA” I laughed, picking up the pace
                He fell behind, too tired to get the food that would’ve gotten him 1.65 of this town’s money. It was important to him, but he would get real business any other day. So what if I don’t have money to get food? There are tons of other people who are going to get his food by buying it. I ran just a little farther, making sure that if he was still following me, or was going to stalk me, that I had plenty of time to know if he was there or not.
                This proud walk I had after I got something came in. Almost like I was a master at taking things, even though I knew I wasn’t. After a grab and run like this, I was tired. Somewhere in the back of my mind told me to keep walking. So, I kept walking, but slowly, patiently.
                That merchant wasn’t following me, he had too much else to look after to care about what I took. On this autumn night, the air bit back. But I was used to the cold, and the hunger, and the pain. But I was used to it. The stars were bright, I looked up, appreciating the beauty I saw for a few hours of my life that made it all worth it. But as I was walking, I tripped over something. My bag went flying.
“Come on self, be quieter” I whispered, picking up my bag
                What I had tripped over, seemed to be a sack, a burlap sack. A traveling merchant must’ve dropped it.  I thought,  going over to the bag. But it was, at least seemed, to not be the shape of something a traveling merchant would sell.
“Only way to see is to look” I shrugged, pulling a corner of the fabric off of the object “My god…”
                This object was a baby. Not what I had been expecting. It could’ve been either a boy or a girl, but by the way it acted, it was a girl. Now I’ve never been a baby person, but a premature baby girl who was obviously only born a few days ago? This was something that really went deep inside me.
                I had been ditched as a baby too, growing up with a few strangers until they died of some disease. She kept her eyes closed, probably too tired to open them. Her little body curled up, trying to keep warm. I pulled the bag down a little more, exposing two things. One, a scar, from her right eye to her left shoulder. Two, dog ears. This baby has dog ears.
                They twitched, unused to the cold autumn air. She was precious, but very weird. But I wasn’t one to talk, as a kid I had hard enough times when I was growing up. Back then, I had this skin condition, I guess you could call it that. It wasn’t good and it kept people away. Her hands came out from the bag, they held onto my shirt, gripping with all their might.
                She was having a nightmare.
Her face looked pained, overly tired and scared. A small whimper came out.
“Hey” I whispered, holding her close
                Thankfully, her eyes fluttered open. A mix of red, orange and yellow. Like a fire. It was beautiful. She seemed scared, but comforted at the same time. She gave me a little smile, two small fangs showed through her little grin. It was adorable. Her hair was black, the inside of her ears, snow white. She reached up and licked my chin.
                Her dog attributes showing through, I smiled down at her. Normally, I wouldn’t do this, but this was different, and the normal wouldn’t cut it with this adorable girl. I stood up, grabbed my bag, and pulled my jacket out. No way was I going to let her be wrapped in a burlap bag. I wrapped my coat around her and balled up the sack.
                She had this little giggle, or maybe it was a little bark. I don’t know. It was just adorable. She curled up in my arms, loving my jacket. Her hair was soft, and her ears were softer. Somehow, someone had pierced her ears. How…? Pierced ears were rare around her, only nobles really had pierced ears. She had three little golden hoops lining both of her dog ears.
                Wait, does she have human ears? I thought. This was a good question to my mind, so, like any curious person, I lifted the hair she had, which to me seemed much longer than a little baby would have.
“Wow…” I said  
                She didn’t have ears. Well, human ears. It was weird to see, but not that weird to see. I pet her head, which she liked. Her little tongue stuck out right in between her fangs. Never before did I think that I’d be seeing a baby like this. Cute, but a little scary.
                As I held her she warmed up to me quickly. She had liked me before, but now she loved me. I pulled a little piece of bread off and offered it to her. Quickly she nipped it out of my hand and ate it. I laughed, it was cute and funny. She looked at me like I was crazy, tilting her head, unsure of what I found so hilarious. Almost right after I started laughing, I felt something else on her.
                A… A tail…
I pulled her out of my jacket and saw a black tail, about two inches around, maybe? Wagging like there was no tomorrow. I laughed even more, shocked, but excited. She was like a dog, a real dog. Her hands reached out to me, wanting me to hold her closer. I smiled and put her back in my jacket, her tail thumped against the fabric.
                She needed a name. Something unique. Something that would fit a half dog half human. Arie. Her name would be Arie.
“You’re cute. I’ll call you Arie” I smiled, walking, looking down at her
                She barked in this little happy way that I took as an agreement in her name.
“Alright Arie” I laughed, pulling off another piece of bread “Here you go”
                This time she licked it, the bread stuck to her tongue and she ate it. A funny, but adorable way to eat bread. She started kinda struggling in my arms.
“Okay?” I said, setting her down, unsure of what she wanted
                For a moment, she looked up at me. This big silly grin on her face, and her eyes full of adventure. She took off, running like I wouldn’t have thought she could. On all fours she bolted down the street, I took off after her.
“Arie!” I yelled a few minutes after this mad chase had started
                Almost instantly she stopped and looked at me. Her little limbs piled underneath her.
“Come here” I laughed, patting my legs
                She bolted back toward me and jumped into my arms.
“Come on then” I laughed even more, there was a little cove around here that I stayed in a lot.
                She made herself right at home, she was so sweet. I sat down and she curled up next to me.