Thursday, September 13, 2012

I'll Be His Princess Pt. 3

          Hikaru explained how things at Ouran worked. He was really sweet and helpful. I got to meet his identical twin brother Karou. Karou seemed like he would be sweeter if Hikaru wasn't around. But whatever. Ouran was all pink and white marble, big windows, bright light. Ouran was over-killing it. From that point on Hikaru and Karou kinda became my best friends. They were going to show me all of Ouran and something they called a Host Club.
          Class was really easy, every single question I got right, and it didn't take me very long. Quickly I was going to climb to the top of our class. In Japan, their High School has three years, each year has 4 classes if you're an A, B, C or D student. Since I'm an A student, I'm in class 1-A.
           I sat in between Hikaru and Karou. Joining the group of people at Ouran with odd colored hair.
           Finally class was over, Hikaru and Karou were talking over something about Tamaki and a Kyoya. I waited for them, since I didn't plan on going home just yet.
"You ready?" Karou asked me
"Yeah" I nodded awkwardly
"Let's go" Hikaru and Karou hooked elbows with me and walked
           It was kinda awkward, I hadn't hooked arms with a guy for a long time.
Since my dad died actually.
We walked, they seemed to have this air about them now.
Which was weird.
"We're here Boss" Hikaru and Karou chorused when we entered the room
"Finally!" A blonde boy with purple eyes said, his height was quite intimidating compared to Hikaru and Karou
"We brought a guest" Karou stated
"Genesequa mademoiselle!" (How beautiful you are, miss)The blonde boy said, speaking in French
"How beautiful you are, miss?" I asked blankly, not falling for him, and realizing taking French really helped
"You're... Un-phased by it?" His world seemed to be crumbling, quickly
"Idiotic compliments have no effect" I rolled my eyes
           Then something I wasn't expecting. This blonde, tall boy with a huge ego just got it crushed by a simple comment. He sat in the corner, facing the wall, now grey and black.
"HOW DID HE CHANGE COLORS?!?!" I was fascinated by this
"Boss went into his emo corner, it's gonna take a compliment to get him out" Hikaru explained
"I wanna know how to change colors!" This was still fascinating to me
"Give him a compliment already" A tall black haired boy with glasses said
"Genesequa monsieur" (How beautiful you are, sir)I rolled my eyes, doubting that turning is compliment around would do anything
"Well I always have had immaculate beauty!" He jumped up, sparkling
"Woahhh" Not something I thought he would've done
"Boss has an ego that can be shot down, but picked right back up" Karou whispered to me
"Oh" I nodded, getting it "Well, I'm August Lights" I held out my hand
"Tamaki Suoh" He shook my hand, sparkling
"Vous parlez Francais?" (You speak French?) I asked
"Oui" (Yes) He nodded, smiling
"J'ai une question" (I have a question) I told him, he nodded "Nous avons rencontre avant, corriger?" (We've met before, correct?) 
"Oui" (Yes) He nodded
"Je ne comprends pas" (I don't understand) I shook my head, slightly confused
"Pourquoi?" (Why?) He now seemed confused
"Je ne vous rappelez-vous, a tous les" (I don't remember you, at all) I said, hoping his ego wouldn't be shot down
"Vous traîné avec ma sœur la plupart du temps" (You hung out with my sister most of the time) He explained
"Eloise!" I smiled, remembering her name
"Oui" (Yes) He laughed nicely, smiling
"Comment est-elle?" (How is she?) I smiled
"Elle ne cesse de tomber malade, comme notre mère" (She keeps getting sick, like our mother) He sighed
"Je suis désolé" (I'm sorry) I hugged him
"Elle va mieux" (She's getting better) He hugged me
"C'est bien" (That's good) I smiled 
"Comment vas-tu?" (How've you been?) He asked
"Oh, eh bien, la dernière fois que nous nous sommes vus, mes parents étaient toujours là, non?" (Oh, well, the last time we saw each other, my parents were still around, right?) I wanted to make sure
"Oui, ce qui s'est passé" (Yes, what happened?) He now seemed worried
"Ils sont morts dans les attaques de 9/11 quand j'avias l'habitude de vivre en Amérique.." (They died in the 9/11 attacks when I used to live in America..) I tried not to make my voice heavy or sad
"Oh, je suis tellement désolé ma chérie!" (Oh, I'm so sorry sweetheart!) He pulled me into a tight hug
"C'est bon Tamaki" (It's okay Tamaki) I laughed lightly, trying to seem happy
"Si jamais vous avez besoin de quelque chose, papa est toujours là pour sa petite fille, d'accord?" (If you ever need anything, daddy's always here for his little girl, okay?) He asked
"Bien" (Okay) I nodded, hugging him tightly 
"Je suis vraiment désolé" (I'm really sorry) He kissed my forehead
"Tant que tu es là pour moi, c'est tout ce que j'ai besoin" (As long as you're here for me, that's all I need) I smiled at him
"Chaque fois que vous avez besoin de moi, je serai là pour toi, je te promets" (Anytime you need me, I'll be here for you, I promise ) He smiled 
"Thank you" I smiled and hugged him 
         We had totally forgot that we were speaking in French. It was nice having a childhood friend at a new school. 
"So you two know each other?" Hikaru and Karou asked in unison
"Yes" I nodded "We were friends as kids"
"Oh" They nodded
          I hugged Tamaki again. 
"I should probably get going" I told him
"Okay, be safe" 
"I'll try" I smiled up at him
          He kissed my forehead, smiled and let me go. As I walked away I felt like I had a new family, Tamaki, Hikaru, Karou and the other hosts. It was nice, and hopefully soon enough I'd see Eloise again. This was a pretty good day.

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