Friday, September 7, 2012

Long Live Pt. 2

                  The first day was finally over. Cali, John and I were walking home. Michael had dissepeared somewhere. Like I cared though. Anyway, Cali and John were arguing if Dave would date Terezi or Jade. Again, we loved Homestuck. And usually we argued about ships and what character would hate what character.
"Jade and Dave is so much cuter though!" Cali argued
"But Dave always flirts with Tere--"
"Cool kid doesn't flirt" She said in her Terezi voice
                   A few years ago we all decided what character we were from Homestuck. Cali was Terezi, I was Karkat, John was John, and Michael was Gamzee. At the time I questioned Michael about his choice. Gamzee is the character who kills everybody, he's just insane. So why? Michael said it was because of juggalos and whatnot. After that we didn't talk about it anymore.
"John, Terezi is mine" I wrapped my arms around her, playing along in my Karkat voice "And Dave-"
"Is Karkles admitting his love for me?!" Cali screamed, fan girling in her Terezi voice
"Phst, no" I let her go, blushing, taking in the moment that would wholly embarrass Karkat
"I think he was!" John laughed "He's blushing!" John pinched my cheeks
"Shut up Egbert" I pushed his hand away, blushing even more
"Awww, someone's in love" Cali giggled blindly
                    Here's some explanation: Homestuck follows John Egbert and his three friends Dave Strider, Rose Lalonde, and Jade Harely. They play sBURB BETA. A game where they have to kill their family and destroy their home-- well, their planet. After a while they meet the trolls, in blood order they go: Karkat Vantas, Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram, Sollux Captor, Nepeta Lejion, Kanaya Maryam, Terezi Pyrope, Vriska Serket, Equius Zahhak, Gamzee Makara, Eridan Ampora, and Feferi Peixes.
                     They represent the zodiac, in the same order it goes: Cancer, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pieces.
"No I'm not" I let the protective Karkat hold his place
"Sure you're not" She grinned
"I gotta go to my hive" I blushed, using my house as an excuse to leave the conversation
"See you later Karkat" John smirked
                      I kept blushing but kept going, I got the mail and went inside. Cali talked with John for a few minutes, probably some conversation about math class that day.
"Hey Atari" Cali's younger brother Travis said to me when I walked in the door
"Hey Travis" I nodded at him, setting the mail down
"How was school?" Cali's mom asked me
"It was okay" I shrugged "Brought in the mail"
                      Everything seemed normal, I grabbed a Tab and sat next to Travis.
"You got mail, Atari" She handed me a blank white envelope
                      I turned it over, I was expecting for it to be blank on the other side too. But no, something I wasn't expecting. The sBURB BETA symblol. I started laughing, thinking it was some sort of prank. As I opened it I realized it wasn't a prank. One disk fell out of the envelope. One disk either containing something unimportant or sBURB. I turned around, Cali thought it was a prank too. She had gotten one.
                      Neither of us had put in a request for it. She looked at me, scared. We both knew what it was-- and what it meant. This isn't possible. This isn't happening. We ran outside, looking for John.

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