Thursday, September 6, 2012

Long Live Pt. 1

God I hate high school. No way was I going to make it through this year. Skater kids rode by me and the Smokers took their final drags before going inside. My name's Atari Vans. Seventeen years old. Living with my girlfriend. I couldn't live with my parents. They were just jerks to me. Cali, my girlfriend, was walking with me, holding my hand. My purple hair was up in a pony tail and her bleach blonde hair was in braids.
          Today was the first day of school. Cali looked around and popped her green bubble gum. Her trademark. We dressed alike most of the time, like today. We both were wearing black tank tops and blue jeans. She had a slight bounce in her step that was just adorable. The bells on my watch over voodoo dolls rang as I walked up to Appleton High. 
          My best dude friend was standing by his boyfriend.
"Hey John" I nodded at him
"Hey Atari" He nodded at me
          His boyfriend Michael looked at me in a different way than he ever had... I tried to not focus on it too much. Michael and I had known each other for a long time. Less longer than I had known John, we were neighbors so we grew up with each other. I met Cali when she moved in a across the street from John and I. He kinda.. Gave me a lingering look...
          Whatever.. John loves Michael, Michael loves John. I pulled Cali into school, trying to divert from Michael. She was slightly confused as to why I didn't keep talking to John, but went with it. She didn't ask me a whole lot when it came to getting away from John. He could be an idiot at times.
          Cali looked around was we walked. People walked by us. Everyone was used to us together. After 7th grade we realized we were all together and we should be helping, not fighting each other. We all were like a giant team. It was nice.
"Hey Atari" Some person said
"Yo" I nodded at them
          We continued walking. Cali held my hand tightly. She looked at the locker numbers, counting them under her breath.
"1558... 1559... 1560.." Her locker number was 1563, mine was 1565 and John was 1564. Right in between us.
"Here it is" I smiled and pointed at hers
"There's John's" She laughed, pointing at the locker that was decked out with John Egbert pictures, he loved that he had the same name as John Egbert from Homestuck. He looked like him too
"Yes it is" I laughed, opening the locker on the other side of his

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