Thursday, September 6, 2012

Full Moon Pt. 2

Fourteen Years Later

Arie’s P.O.V. :

                Dawn rose along the horizon. Ash was asleep in his room, I got up and pulled a thin knee length dress on. Fourteen years ago, Ash picked me up. From then on I had changed his life. Before me, he had been a thief. But then he found us an abandoned house in the country. Every morning I make him breakfast. He likes it, but he tells me that I don’t have to do it.
                But I feel like I have too. He’s been here for me my entire life. If he hadn’t picked me up…
I don’t know what would’ve happened. I brushed my hair and pulled it back, my ears flicked at the little noises going on around me. Ash always treated me like his daughter. When there’s a thunderstorm he’s there for me. I love him and he loves me.
                I pulled out a few eggs and an apple. Ash had built us a stove, so I grabbed out a pan and cracked the eggs onto it. We lived in this little cottage, three small rooms. I could hear him sleep. Being half dog and all, I have a sense for it. But when he slept, he would breath very loudly. Not snoring, just loudly breathing. At least I knew he was alive.
                Now the sky was dark, not orangey like it had been previously. There was going to be a storm today, I whimpered. No way in hell did I like storms. My ears went flat, the dark sky illuminated itself with a bolt of lightning. I tried to ignore it. That can’t stop me. Ash sat up, hearing the thunder. Knowing it scared me.
“Arie?” He came out of his room, looking for me
                By now I had run into the wheat field or hid in the fireplace. 
“Ash…” I whimpered as lightning struck again
“Come here..” He was tired, but he was like my dad
                Lightning was just going off like wild fire. Almost every second it struck again. The sky had turned from light to dark in only a few minutes.

Ash’s P.O.V. :

                No. Please no. Thunder struck over and over. Arie shook, I went over to her and pulled her into a hug. Even at fourteen Arie’s dog side showed through a lot. She curled up in my arms, scared.
“It’s okay, Arie” I said, holding her close
                She shook in my arms, too scared to even acknowledge that I was telling her something. Not that I could blame her though. As a kid I was scared of thunder. But so early in the morning it was kinda odd. Yet again, out here the weather is unpredictable. Again, thunder struck and Arie shook.
"You're going to be okay, honey" I held her close
                As more thunder made our house shake, she hid in my shirt. 
"I promise" 

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