Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pushing Daisies Pt. 4

        Later I learned that his name was Shay. He was one of the older 'mutants' as he referred to us. Apparently he didn't take it so well that he was apart of this loop. We talked about it, he was surprised that I was the Reaper. There was some myth throughout them that the Reaper would be the last to be numbered. But apparently not.
        He explained the blood colors, and that it tied into the fact I was wearing white, black and red. Since everyone had red, white or black blood. Being the Reaper I would see it all. The skulls just added to the fact I was death. Shay told me that later on, I'd meet his twin, Shane. Shane was the witch.
        All of this information was coming in too fast. It wasn't sinking in fast enough, and I needed to stay sharp. Shay let me be after a while, understanding that all of this information was hard to deal with.  I walked along Navy Pier, getting odd looks since I seemed so 'Rocker' ish. Mulling all of this info over was harder than I thought it would be.
        I would become a murderer. And all of the blood would be on my hands alone. None of it made sense to me at the time. How could I kill a person? Well, I mean...
I already had, but that didn't register in my mind.
My dad's dead body did though.
It flashed through, leaving this unbearable imprint.
        But that was just the start of the dead bodies I would be seeing, and I knew that. Many more things came up in my world. Little sprites would fly around, this thick ancient dust filled my vicinity, and I wasn't the only one to notice. As people walked by me they felt the heavy air. None of them said anything, not even on the subway.
        Time seemed to move slower now. As if every second held a new secret, or mystery. How am I going to spend enternity like this? I was immortal, this is how I would be spending my time. I continued going around, looking, trying to find something. Someone.
        Finally I reached what I then realized to be my destination, The Aragon Ball Room. A little bit away from Chicago, the architecture of the building doesn't look like much from the outside. But inside, the vast space is amazing, the ceiling, flooded with paintings of stars and planet. One thin string holding a disco ball hangs down in the center of the room. Now iridescent beer signs hung up everywhere. Which made me angry.
         Mentally I ripped the signs down, returning it to the beauty it had been. To my surprise, the signs came down as I 'ripped' them off. Not what I had been expecting. Finally the room seemed perfect, peaceful, quiet.
"Helloooooo" A voice rang out "Oh look, a little Reaper"
"Who are you?" I asked, not moving
"Look up sweetheart" This voice was shrill and painful, but I did as I was told
"A demon, huh?" I stuck a pose, looking up at the girl with a nasty grin on her face
"Why yes" She giggled in a sick little way
"What's your number?" I asked
"Oh that's not important" She smirked
"Then what is?" Little did I know that was a trap
"Well, taking your soul is important to me" She flew down next to me, and had her arms around me
"Oh really?" I smirked, playing her little game
"It's very important to me" She leaned closer, her breath hot and very cinnamon like
"So I can tell" I leaned closer to her, letting her catch my breath, which was ice cold and smelled like blood
"And I want yours oh so badly" She kept up this act
          Without thinking I knew what I was going to do. Quietly I pulled out my dagger and pressed the sword button. Quietly it transformed.
"Well, any last words?" I asked, which confused her
          With that I stabbed her in the stomach, and watched the black blood pour out of her.

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