Friday, September 7, 2012

Long Live Pt. 3

"IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE?!" Cali, John and I yelled at once
"Wait.. It wasn't either of you?" John pointed in between the both of us
"Why would we do something like this?!" I screamed
"This isn't funny" Cali started shaking, but she was firm with her words
"It's okay Cali..." I wrapped my arms around her, hoping to calm her down
"Maybe it was Michael" John fumbled around for his phone
"WHICH ONE OF YOU SENT THIS?!" I found it slightly ironic that Michael walks up now
"None of us" John was really upset by all of this, his voice was wet and heavy, like he was going to cry
"What are we going to do with it?" Cali cried, in my arms
"We won't play it, obviously" Michael said
"But the chance to play sBURB?" I asked "Isn't that what we all wanted?"
                    True actually. For a while we had an obsession with trying to find sBURB. After at least three months of it we all agreed to stop looking, and if we did run across the game, we wouldn't play it.
"Yeah..." John said, looking at the disk, wondering what it held.
"We should just talk about it tomorrow" I said "When we're all calm"
"Good idea" Michael said
"Okay.. Let's go Cali.." I took her hand and led her back inside
                    We sat down on the couch and pulled out our laptops. There was a couple of things I wanted to look at for school, I'm sure Cali did too. Instantly when I logged on PesterChum flooded my screen with things that happened, my profile, and DG was trolling me.
                     Here's something that might help, my chat name is mentalContortionist, I type in Dead Ivy. DG was some person who claimed to be a troll from Alternia, like the trolls in Homestuck. She was deadGirl. No clue what she types in.


DG: get 0n. get 0n. get 0n.
MC: i talked to you yesterday, what could've changed in seriously, less than twenty four hours? 
DG: y0u kn0w KL, right? i talked t0 him in y0ur future and hes--
MC: you're not a real troll from Homestuck. stop saying you are.
MC: as much as i'd like, Homestuck isn't real. John Egbert isn't real. Dave Strider isn't real. none of them are
MC: you're not a troll. you're not in the future
MC: just stop
DG: but hes g0nna--
MC: no. enough. stop talking to me, if you run across YG then tell him to talk to me.

                         I blocked her. No need in talking to her about some physco babble she was making up just for attention. Cali glanced at me and then at our sBURB disks. Slowly I took mine, she didn't notice. Quietly I opened the disk compartment thing and put sBURB in. I know we said we wouldn't touch it, but I was too curious. My laptop started running the software. After about thirty seconds, the familiar green circle showed up ((A/N:
                        Then the game started, a little character that looked like me showed up. In the corner of the screen it said '3 out of 4 players'. So I wasn't the only one who was curious about playing, now was I? Cali glanced over at me again, she was one of the players. John was the other. There was a drop down box that said who was online.
                         John's character looked just like him and John Egbert from Homestuck. Cali looked like Rose, just a little longer hair. My character was similar to Jade, my glasses weren't as round as hers. Up popped above my head 'ENTER NAME:'. Just like in the story, a really weird and random name showed up. Like in the story, the name received a X. Then entered my real name.
                         Now I was freaked out, how did it know my name? How did it know what we looked like? How did it know the layout of the house? This wasn't possible. No. It can't be. We were even sitting in the right areas. Cali next to me, with our laptops.
                         Another troll started pestering me.


YG: why diid you yell at DG?!
MC: i didn't yell--
YG: 2he 2tarted cryiing, 2he thiink2 youre really angry wiith her
MC: she needs to tell other people her made up stories
YG: theyre not made up MC, you really need two watch out for KL, he2 bad new2
MC: i've known KL for years now, he's not bad
YG: he 2eem2 normal riight now-- two you, iin your future he2 gonna-
MC: oh not you too! stop with this whole 'in your future' crap! it sounds like you're some fourtion teller 
YG: okay, ii dont under2tand why you wont lii2ten two me here, were tryiing to help you
YG: iif you dont 2top KL he2 gonna de2troy you all
YG: no joke
MC: okay, ive known micha-- i mean KL for a long time, he's not going to destroy us all. 
YG: he ii2 MC, you need two 2top hiim
YG: talk two ED 2hell be able two giive you all of the iinfo you need
YG: make 2ure two tell EB 2iince theyre doiing that human thiing where you 'date' each other
YG: iitll hurt hiim the most
MC: yeah right. okay, whatever. i'll talk to her. bye. 

                          I flipped through my chat contacts, looking for ED (envelopesDiabolical). When YG (yesterdaysGone) and I started talking his typing was confusing. I learned that he puts 'two' in for any 'to' 'too' or 'two', 2's are his S's and when he doubles I's it's just one I.
                          Finally I found ED and I started pestering.

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