Friday, September 14, 2012

Pushing Daisies Pt. 5

         Watching that sick soul die wasn't anything to me. Now I smelled like blood and cinnamon, mostly since she just smelled cinnamon. The Aragon Ball Room seemed so much calmer now, no one else. I left though, there was security and they probably had heard us already. Somehow I ended up on the roof, chainsaw in hand.
"Look daddy!" A little girl on the ground pointed up at me
"What the...? Is that a chainsaw?!" He started freaking out, instantly I pushed a button and it went back to a dagger
"She's pretty" The little girl said. She knows what I look like.... I hid, hoping she wouldn't see me
"Let's go honey" He pulled her away, noticing I had disappeared
           That was close... I sighed, the indigo sky had a light orange rising. This isn't what I thought would have happened. Since I've lived in Chicago my whole life I was surprised, in no way did I think that there would be such a big secret. Something started buzzing in my pocket.
"What?" I asked myself, pulling a circle out of my pocket
            This circle was glittery pearl white. And it was buzzing. I flipped it open, a bright screen was flashing. What's going on? I thought, confused, I decided to touch the screen. The moment my fingertip touched the screen it came up with a profile

Name: Mika Leeks
Race: Demon
Status: Dead (Murdered by Rosemary Ace)

              A little picture of her popped up. Then in bright red letters 'DEAD' flashed across it. 
"Awesome..." I said, thinking this was cool
              But I had murdered a person without even flinching. Shouldn't I feel sick about that? But I don't. I'm supposed to be killing these people. So it shouldn't matter. 
I guess not
              I kept walking, trying to think of where to go next. Truthfully I didn't want to run into anyone else I knew or was going to get to know. I just wanted home. But home was being searched. So I had to improvise.
              Somewhere along the way I ran into a hotel and decided that I would be staying there from now on. Delicately I climbed up the wall, soon enough I was at least 23 stories high. I decided this was far enough, I found a room that was free and climbed in. This room was huge, gold was everywhere, along with creme and lavender. But this wasn't suiting for a Reaper.
              I snapped my fingers, everything turned red, black, and white. Perfect. Just my luck, someone knocked on the door. Crap... Someone saw me... I sighed, got up, and got it.
"Hello Miss!" A cheerful little lady said
"Hi" I felt awkward
"Do you need anything?" She asked, very intent
"Who are you?" I asked, curious
"Starr Evans" She informed
"What number?"
"Eleven" She blinked
"What are you?"
"The star" She rolled her eyes, it was obvious now that I think about it...
"Oh.." I felt stupid
"You're the Reaper, number thirteen, Rosemary Ace?" She recited
"Yes..." Did everyone know me?!
"Well, you're free to stay here" She smiled "Have a goodnight"
"You too" I smiled and shut the door
                This was insane.

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