Thursday, October 4, 2012

Conflict/Resolution Short Response

((A/N: This piece is about Conflict/Resolution in the story Scott Pilgrim. I wrote this to demonstrate my understanding of Conflict/Resolution))
             I'll just go with the whole series for this.
In the book series Scott Pilgrim, our main character Scott has the perfect life with his girlfriend, rockband and whatnot. And when this mysterious girl literally skates through his dreams, he's determined to find her. When he does find her he also finds her seven ex's. Technically this is Person vs. Person if Ramona's seven evil ex's count as a single person. 
             Throughout the series Scott kicks butt with his awesome karate-ish skills and bass playing. With those two alone he's able to fight six of Ramona's ex's. But the last one he has to fight for himself. As we watch Scott fight Ramona's seventh evil ex (Gideon) he first fights for Ramona's heart. When that doesn't work and he uses his last life he fights for himself (Which earns the Power Of Self Respect). In the end he defeats Gideon and other Scott, who's actually him, so in the end I guess you could say it's Person vs. Self. Even if this other Scott isn't really him, it's just a different version (More ninja like) than he actually is. 

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