Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Patriot's Pen

((This isn't the essay that I want graded, we were just told to put this on our blogs))

What would I tell America’s Founding Fathers? This question presents a lot of opportunities, many chances to change the past. Which in some cases it’s a good thing, in others it may not be something you want. Yet there are only a few things you could be able to tell them that they’d believe. Yet again this is theoretical, but if I could, this is what I’d tell them.
First off, equal rights should fit to everybody. No matter if they’re male or female, black or white. Equal rights means everybody, not just the people you want it to effect. And something that’s similar here, just because someone is different than you doesn’t mean you can make them your slave, it’s not right to own other people.
You would probably appreciate a heads up about future murders and wars, such as Abraham Lincoln, World War I & II, Kennedy, and the like. Maybe there’s a way to prevent these things from happening by just stopping the chain of events that made it occur. Such as stopping Lincoln from going to the theater or Hitler from becoming a dictator.
And the last thing I’d tell you is that your ways now, they’ll change. Things will become so different in the future that it isn’t really necessary to drill all of these things into people. Time changes how people act and treat each other, so if anything, make the best of the times you have right now. Don’t fight others, just let life happen as it happens.
That’s all I can really tell you, everything has to happen and everything that has happened happened for a reason. It’s difficult to say what went wrong and what went right since we live in one of the more stable countries now. If anything, there were a few things I would’ve changed just so history wouldn’t be as complex. But the complexity of our past has shaped us into the country we are now.

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