Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Personal Narrative

               On July 4th I was in a Kenosha’s parade, I was a part of the Downtown Kenosha bit in the parade. Along with the many stores and organizations that have their business in Downtown Kenosha there’s an anime store. This was the store I was ‘Representing’ I guess you could say. They needed people to cosplay for their shop and obviously I signed up right away. Anyway, I cosplayed as Aradia Megido from Homestuck. For a first cosplay, it was still terrible. None of the costume was right, but after a while I stopped caring and I just wanted to have fun at this. When I arrived at the  street we were supposed to meet up on I was greeted by a Doctor Who, Joker, Furry, Fem Germany, Rin, and a few other characters.
            Instantly I recognized the Doctor Who, Joker, Rin, and Fem Germany. They all had great cosplays, obviously they had cosplayed before. But I had stopped caring that my costume was bad. We took a few really lame—but hilarious pictures and went to the Downtown section. These people were so interesting and I wanted to get to know them better. When I first met a few I thought they were in Middle School or in Elementary School.
            Surprisingly I was the youngest person there, everyone else was either in their Sophomore year of High School or older. No one asked how old I was though, so I just acted like a High Schooler. Quickly I became friends with this really nice girl. The whole day I was referred to as ‘Miss Internet’ or ‘Homestuck’. But I didn’t complain. This was the most fun I was going to have the whole summer. And truthfully, it was great. After about four hours of standing around the Downtown section of the parade was moving. We all got on this platform that had been attached to a yellow Hummer.
            We were given bags that had little Pokémon figures in them. As we walked we had to hand out the things to kids and teens, at first we all thought it was great.  Until the group of fifty kids came up demanding for the plastic characters. Halfway through the parade my costume broke, which was the worst thing imaginable. But I kept going, I wouldn’t let it stop me. This had been so fun and I wasn’t ready for it to be over. Even though part of my costume broke I was glad for it, walking was easier without it. Which sounds weird, I know, but the character I was being has horns and the ones we made were insanely heavy.
            So walking had been difficult with them, but after they broke I was able to run when I fell behind. One guy knew who I was cosplaying, which was awesome. Everyone else just kept saying: ‘You should get more sun’ because this character also has grey skin. Most of the people gave me props for painting my skin on such a hot day.
            The parade was over, I really didn’t want it to be though. It was so much fun, I had met new people and cosplayed. It was the best day for me. Now I know I’ll see some of them at ACEN, a convention in Chicago. Through and through it was a great day. I’ve never had so much fun with strangers.
Wow that sounded different.
But it’s true, I didn’t know any of them but by the end of the day I felt like I had known them for years.
Anyway, I was sad that the day was over, but excited because there’s always next year. And I knew instantly that I’d be in it again.

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