Monday, October 8, 2012

Metal Wasteland

Name: Kimiko Trae
Age: 14

"But Daddddd," I whined.
"No. Stop whining. You're the mayor's daughter, you need to be a role model." He snapped.
"To who?! All the freedom I get is going to my room." I used my arms to emphasize my words.
"There are many young children who look up to you. Make them proud." He grabbed my arm, somehow thinking that this will calm me down.
"No kid looks up to me. I should be able to live." I ripped my arm out of his grip.
"You don't get that chance." He said firmly.
"I'm going. I'll be back whenever." I walked out and slammed the door
                  Why was I doing this? This did nothing for either of us, he had his own stresses with running this place. He didn't need me bothering him... I wiped my eyes, this insane guilt problem I had was taking over again. I felt so bad about making his day worse that I couldn't just hold it in. Quietly I hiccuped and tried to calm down. Suddenly someone covered my eyes with their hands. 
"Guess who," I could hear Ember giggle. 
                  I didn't really feel like guessing though. I knew it was Ember, I turned into his chest, hugging him tightly.
"Excessive guilt got you again?" He asked, hugging me.
"Yes" I said, muffled by his jacket.
"Don't be so sad! You're fine, Kimi." He hugged me tightly.
"Still!" I protested for no apparent reason.
"It's okay, Kimi." He made me look him in the eyes to get his point across. "It's okay." 
"Still!!" I buried my head back into his chest.
"You'll apologize to him later," He sighed.
"I know I know..." I found his hand and pulled him down the street. 
"Where are we going?" He asked curiously.
"There's an uncharted area that I want to explore." I blinked, serious.
"I still don't get why you like to explore." He shook his head.
"It's fun! And my Dad will be happier if I come back home with new information." I said importantly.
"Okay okay okay," He sighed, agreeing to join me.
"Yay!" I took his hand and pulled him down the streets of Lights. 
                  We walked for a while, occasionally saying things but not really making any other comments. Soon enough we reached this point where Lights ended, carefully we stepped over to the unmarked territory. 
"How did you get me to agree to this?" Ember asked as we stumbled across the cobblestone.
"You agreed all by yourself." I shrugged, picking up a spider.
"Ew, why are you picking that up?" Ember shivered. 
"It's just a spider." I rolled my eyes.
"It was on the ground, and it's a bug." He shook his head.
"You're such a girl," I gently threw the spider at him.
"Ew!!" He jumped, wiping his shirt to get the spider off.
"Man up, this place seems even more dangerous than the Wastelands. You have to protect me."
Name: Ember Rocky
Age: 18
"I know that!" Ember said.
                Ember had been in the Wastelands at least four times. That was quite a few since most of the people who went in died instantly.
"Just reminding you!" I sang, skipping down the cobblestone.
"Be careful!!" He ran after me.
                 Like I was careful. Quickly I tripped and thudded harshly to the ground.
"Ow.." I mumbled, trying to pick myself up.
"Here." Someone or something picked me up forcefully and set me down.
"Thank you," I blinked, staring at a blacked out face.
"Careful." He pointed at me.
                  This character reeked, like he was garbage. 
"Child what have you put yourself in?" I held my nose.
"Dead." He pointed to himself.



  1. I like it! I like it a lot! It's a really interesting & creative story! I also love Ember...not sure why XD! But you should write more to this! :D It's really good!!!

    1. Thanks!!
      I fell in love with the picture instantly and I had to use it XD

    2. Yeah I can see why XD
